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If you've ever experienced a migraine, you know that it is much more different than a normal headache. If left untreated, a migraine can last from 4 to 72 hours. Unlike a typical headache, migraines can be so severe that they interfere with your daily activities. If you are looking for solutions, you may be interested to know that there are common migraine triggers that you may need to know to avoid.

Migraine pain can be so severe that it keeps you in bed, unable to function. Migraines can cause nausea and be very sensitive to sound and light, and can even cause nervous system disorders known as auras.

Symptoms of auras include flashes of light, blurred and wavy vision, auditory hallucinations, pins and needles, weakness, and difficulty speaking.

The onset of migraine headaches can occur anywhere between the ages of 10 and 40. The frequency of these headaches varies from person to person, however, most people who get migraines get them on a regular basis, usually a few times a month.

Women are about three times more likely than men to experience migraines, and that number is increasing.

Researchers suspect that the higher prevalence of migraines could be related to our toxic environment, higher levels of stress, sedentary lifestyles, and other chronic illnesses that are also on the rise include depression and anxiety, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases.

Migraine-autoimmune connection

Although it is generally classified as a nervous system disorder, new research suggests that migraines may have an autoimmune component. Autoimmunity rates are higher in people who suffer from migraines regularly.

For example, migraines tend to be more common in patients with systemic lupus or irritable bowel syndrome. One reason for this may be due to inflammation.

Inflammation is at the root of almost all chronic diseases, and the more inflammation you have, the further along the autoimmune spectrum you are. At the same time, patients diagnosed with migraine tend to have higher levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.

When the blood vessels in your brain become inflamed, be it from stress, hormonal imbalances, environmental toxins, etc., white blood cells flood the area to “fight” the danger, just as they would respond to a scratch or a virus. This can cause swelling that leads to the painful symptoms associated with migraines.

As with autoimmune diseases, migraines also have a genetic component. If one of your parents experienced migraines, you have a 50% chance of inheriting them. If both parents had them, their probability increases to 75%.

However, just because you inherit the gene does not necessarily mean that you will develop an autoimmune disease or migraines. There are common triggers that can activate these genes and increase your risk.

Fortunately, this also means that there is a lot you can do to prevent migraines by using simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

It may help to use topical pain relievers or take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Stay physically active and follow a fitness program focusing on moderate exercise. Stretch before exercising to maintain a good range of motion in your joints. Keep your body weight within a healthy range. This will lessen stress on the joints. If your pain isn’t due to arthritis, you can try taking a nonprescription, anti-inflammatory drug, getting a massage, taking a warm bath, stretching frequently, and getting adequate rest. Joint Guard 360 Reviews