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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder characterized by symptoms that appear at the same time every year, typically during the darker, shorter days of autumn and winter. While this illness usually resolves itself after a few months, it can have a significant impact on a person's mood and ability to function.

People's moods typically shift as the season’s change. You've probably noticed that a cloudy, rainy day makes you sleepy, whereas a sunny day makes you happy and energized.


Light therapy, psychotherapy, and medications can all be used to treat the seasonal affective disorder. Inform your doctor and a mental health practitioner if you have bipolar disorder; this information is critical when using light therapy or an antidepressant. Both of these treatments have the potential to cause a manic episode.

Seasonal mood swings are common, but seasonal depression is a serious condition that can harm your health and ability to function. Speak with one of our Psychotherapy Partners if you suspect you have a seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

We are committed to providing individuals, couples, and families with psychotherapy counseling in Minneapolis. Because of their experience in a variety of practice settings, our therapists are also capable of treating anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.