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During the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses worldwide have embraced digital transformation to work remotely and follow social distancing rules. 

With the introduction of cutting-edge technology like eKYC, businesses—especially banks and financial institutions—have started to move toward digitization.  eKYC accelerates and secures customer onboarding procedures. 

Within eKYC solutions, face verification has become a powerful tool among the various technologies. It is a biometric technology that is integrated into eKYC solutions to speed up the verification process and boost security, protecting businesses from fraudulent activities. 

In this article, you will explore how the face verification feature in eKYC solutions makes the identity verification process fast and secure. 

So let's lead off! 

What is face verification in eKYC? 

eKYC aka Electronic Know Your Customer, is revolutionizing the banking and financial sectors. It is a paperless process for verifying customer identities remotely. It uses advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Facial Recognition to enable businesses to verify customers' identities without their physical presence.

In 2018, the Supreme Court decided the Aadhaar Act, which enables private companies to use Aadhaar KYC for verifying customer identities. This was a major improvement towards a faster and easier customer onboarding process.

Face verification is a robust tool in eKYC solutions. It uses AI algorithms to check individuals' facial features to match their IDs. 

The process of face verification compares a live facial image or video with a government-issued identity document to ensure that the person presenting the data is the rightful owner and not an impersonator. This feature makes sure that the businesses meet regulatory requirements and ensures a seamless customer onboarding experience.

How does face verification works? 

The face verification process involves several key steps:

  1. Upload: Users submit their government-issued ID documents, such as a passport or driver's license, to the system.
  2. Capture: A live selfie image or video is captured using the front-facing camera of the user's device.                                      
  3. Analysis: Advanced AI algorithms analyze the captured data which ensures its consistency with the provided ID document.
  4. Results: Within seconds, the system delivers verification results, either approving or rejecting the identity verification request.

This fast and effective process of face verification not only reduces fraud risks but also speeds up the customer onboarding process. This will ultimately eliminate the time-consuming manual verifications or in-person interactions.

What are the advantages of face verification in eKYC solutions?

Enhanced security

Face verification adds an extra layer of security by ensuring that the person claiming an identity is the rightful owner which reduces the risk of identity fraud risks. 

Streamlined onboarding

The face verification feature automates and speeds up the onboarding process through AI algorithms. It reduces the time and effort required for customer onboarding. 

Customers can complete the verification process remotely and quickly using their smartphones or mobile devices. This makes the whole process of face verification smoother and more convenient for everyone.

AI-powered accuracy

Face verification uses advanced AI to ensure accurate and reliable facial comparisons. It detects accurate facial features and variations. 

It can also detect spoofing attempts such as liveness detection, 3D mask attacks, presentation attack detection, bypass attack detection, and spoof attack detection. Hence, there is no chance for impersonation with these advanced features. 

Remote accessibility

Facial verification eKYC allows for remote verification which is convenient and reduces the need for physical contact, especially during times like the COVID-19 pandemic when health concerns are high.

Regulatory compliance

Face verification helps businesses in meeting KYC and AML standards which ultimately reduces the financial risks and illegal activities. Its adherence to regulatory guidelines ensures a fast and secure identity verification process.

Cost and time efficiency

Face verification process automates identity verification which saves time and resources. This will eliminate the manual tasks and speed up the business operations.

Real-time verification

Face verification provides instant verification results that enable businesses to make informed decisions on time. This is especially important in situations where time is critical.

Improved user experience

The seamless and convenient onboarding process enhances the overall user experience. It ultimately fosters positive perceptions of your business.

Impact of face verification in various industries

The adoption of eKYC with face verification has led to significant transformations across diverse sectors:

Banking and finance

Face verification enables quick and secure customer identity verification for banks and financial institutions. It saves time and reduces operational costs via digital onboarding. 


It streamlines patient registration, prevents medical identity theft, and ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

Travel and tourism

It speeds up check-in processes at airports and hotels, enhancing customer experience and reducing wait times.

E-commerce and retail

Face verification ensures secure transactions and faster payment processes. It aids in enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.


It streamlines SIM card registration processes, reducing fraud risks and improving customer verification efficiency.

Government and public services

Face verification offers secure identity authentication for government services. It makes sure that the benefits reach the right individuals.

How to implement face verification in eKYC? 

1. Assess business needs

Identify specific business requirements and regulatory obligations.

2. Select a technology partner

Choose a reputable eKYC provider with robust face verification capabilities.

3. Integrate systems

Seamlessly integrate eKYC with existing systems for smooth operations.

4. Ensure data security

Prioritise data encryption and compliance with privacy regulations.

5. Train staff and customers

Educate employees and customers about face verification benefits and usage.

6. Continuous monitoring

Regularly monitor and update eKYC systems to meet the evolving security standards.

Future outlook and continued advancements

As technology continues to evolve, face verification, a subset of facial recognition technology, eKYC is expected to advance and streamline identity verification processes. It integrates with mobile and web platforms seamlessly and enhances overall cybersecurity measures.

Summing up

Face verification within eKYC solutions marks a paradigm shift in identity verification, offering speed, accuracy, security, efficiency, and compliance. Businesses across industries stand to benefit from this innovative technology, enhancing trust, mitigating fraud risks, and staying ahead in today's dynamic digital landscape.

By embracing face verification in eKYC, businesses welcome a new era of secure, efficient, and customer-centric identity verification processes. This opens the door to a more secure and seamless digital experience.


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