How Do I Keep My Faith In College?

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SUMMARY: Keeping one’s faith can be challenging without proper guidance, especially for young Christians. They are faced with numerous challenges like secular [pressure and stereotyping. Find out below how you can keep your faith while in college.

How Do I Keep My Faith In College?

A college is a place of numerous opportunities with a lot of different people and adventures. However, for a Christian student, it is a place to discover more about your faith amidst attending classes, making friends, and living alone. In college, everyone is trying to figure out what to do and how to use their independence, and you might find that your routine with God starts changing.  With all these factors considered, you will find that keeping your faith can be a challenge. Whether starting or finishing college, we have listed some tips to help you hold on to your faith.

  • Find People Who Share the Same Faith As You

College like high school and kindergarten, you choose who becomes your friend and who doesn’t. As a Christian student, the best thing to do is surround yourself with fellow students and people who will help you grow spiritually. If you find that your friends are drawing a direction away from what you know and believe in, it is time to make new friends. Connecting with people who share your faith will help you grow and stay on the right course of your Christianity.

  • Keep Studying About Faith

The purpose of going to college is to advance your studies, and adding another study off your course can be challenging and overwhelming. The best way to keep your faith strong and to grow is by continuously studying the word of God. Therefore, join a bible study group or create one yourself and invite other believers. Read the bible verses together and then dive deeper into what the scriptures are saying. Purpose to understand what you believe in and why you believe it. Another way to grow your faith is by joining an online Christian college, attending the classes, and understanding the deeper meanings of faith according to the teachings offered.

  • Prioritize your Time with God

No matter how busy your schedule may be, always set aside time for you and God each day. Read your bible, listen to preachers, worship songs and then pray. Thank God for everything he is doing in your life, and ask Him to help you grow in faith. If you create time continuously, it will become a habit, and you won't find it complex or challenging. The best way to keep your faith is to study it, surround yourself with people who have it, grapple with it, and live it.

  • Find a Church and Attend the Masses

When in college, you can look for a parish nearby, attend the masses and even volunteer in their programs. You can mobilize your other Christian friends and attend together and then help with on-campus faith initiatives. If somehow you don't feel included in the activities, then be the first to offer a helping hand. Feel free to connect with other church members; you will stay connected to God hence keeping your faith in check.

  • Keep Away from People who Bring you Down

A college is a place with diverse groups of people; you will always find some who will always discourage you and try to keep you away from God’s ways. Try as much as you can to keep your distance from such people. Joining an online Christian college is one of the great ways you can achieve this.  Remember, bad company corrupts good character, therefore do not be misled. If anyone claims to be your friend, then they will always help you reach your full potential. On the other hand, a false friend will try to mislead, discourage and make you feel bad about your decisions to see you fall in the end.

  • Have Deeper Conversations

A college is a place where you get to question many things and get into conversations to satisfy or get rid of your doubts. As a Christian, get into deeper conversations about faith with fellow students; don't talk at the surface level only. Go deeper, question the meaning of faith, why it is crucial in your life, why is religion important, and who is God in your life? The deeper you get into these questions, the deeper you will understand the importance of faith in your life, and the deeper you will appreciate it.

 Faith is an essential virtue in any Christian's life, and it is essential it study it deeply, surround yourself with people who practice it, and live it. When you do this, it will become a part of your daily life. And if your relationship with God is part of your living, you will find it easy to keep your faith while in college.


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