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Know all about the right way to add insulation cover to your abode.

It is only after 1980 that American homeowners began to realize the importance of insulating the living space. This is a trend, which started in the year 1980 and onwards. It means that even today a significant number of homes in this country lack insulation cover. As a result, they have to face higher energy bills and statistical data indicated a number close to 77 million Americans that fall in this category. It is only by installing a proper insulation cover around your home; you can break the vicious cycles of high energy bills. 


A proper insulation cover for the home makes your abode energy efficient. In Los Angles, you will need insulation in the summers because temperatures are soaring and the AC machine operates for a rather long time. The unit is working hard but the moment, you have adequate insulation installed perhaps in the attic, the AC will be operational for a significantly lesser period. This is how you can save on energy bills. Hence, you must insulate your home and one must browse the Attic Wizard company website to fix up an appointment with the professionals. The insulation installation is messy and it is best left to a professional team. As you are insulating your home, there is a need to focus on a few aspects. Here are the details for readers. 

Choose the right insulation 

One of the first aspects will be to choose the best insulation to install around your home. Here are some of the options that you can select from and one can make a choice. 

  • The first variety is fiberglass insulation and the key ingredient for use here is a fine variety of fiberglass. This form of insulation can be used as batts, rolls, and even loose fill. It can be placed on unfinished walls, floors, ceilings. It is an effective form of insulation as it slows the spread of heat. 
  • The next variety that you can try out is cellulose insulation it is the oldest form of insulation and is still found in homes. Modern technology allows you to install it in the loose-fill or blown-in variety. A key ingredient of this insulation is recycled paper or recycled denim. The presence of boric acid, borax makes this form of insulation fire retardant. This form of insulation is blown into stud cavities and this allows it to get into every hook and corner. This insulation is perfect to install in places that are not obstruction-free.
  • You can use foam insulation and it has got a lot better R-Value than the above two that we have discussed. It has the capacity to resists, mold, fungus & bacteria. It is also fire resistant and has great soundproofing abilities. It is a quality insulation cover for your abode.

These are the three variants of insulation cover that you can have for your home. The key will be to select something that suits you best and have it installed. 

The installation process is not your lookout

There have been specific talks that the installation of insulation is a hectic job. A novice who does not have ideas on these matters will create a mess. Hence, you must get the installation done by an expert/ Proper installation of insulation is necessary to make your living space energy efficient. 


Here, we have discussed extensively ways to insulate your home. The key will be to select the best possible insulation for your abode and then hire an experienced professional to install it. This way your living space will be comfortable and cozy, You will love spending time at home in intense hot Los Angeles weather.