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Over the last two years, the pandemic has tested supply chain resilience to its breaking point. Complete lockdowns, severe bottlenecks, rising freight prices, and inflation have made us conscious of the vulnerability of global supply chains.

  • While the business environment remained volatile and challenging, particularly affecting production lines, component availability, and product deliveries, as a DMEPOS supplier engaging better with your patients remains one of the biggest areas of concern today.
  • Also, you cannot lose out on your DME billing collections due to inconsistent efforts by your staff. At the end of the day, reducing your overall operational expenses should be the prime concern.

Unfortunately, rising wages, employee burnout are some of the major reasons why you can sooner or later lose out on your customers and also on your hard earned money. At the end of the day, what you need is someone that can elevate your DME practice management efforts, helping you focus on your patients a lot better.

Why choose Sunknowledge as your DME billing vendor

The reason that separates us from the others is the approach that we have had during the pandemic. We have supported all our clients through thick and thin during this pandemic, revamped their operational mandates and also helped them address their high business demand requirements.

Our team of DME billers and coders did it all right from start to finish. Moreover, our versatility, niche presence across multiple practice management systems used in the DMEPOS space makes us equipped to deliver it all. If you need a genuine partner to take care of all your DME billing demands, we are just a call away from you.

Partner with us at these turbulent times as we help you to grow. Our ability to work as your dedicated DME billing partner, extending customized support at $7 per hour makes us a force to reckon with. If you are looking to know more on our client references, speak to us right away. Get to know why we are hailed as the best DME billing company in the country.