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How Does Bad Posture Lead To Pain?

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Sitting at a desk all day could make you aware of your bad posture. You'll be aware that it can cause headaches, muscle pain, tension, and other problems. As a result, you can be familiar with ” upper cross syndrome without realizing it.

Although it is not a life-threatening condition, it can cause headaches, migraines, joint discomfort, muscular soreness, and stress. It can also impede you from reaching your optimal training threshold if you're a regular gym-goer.

upper cross syndrome treatment

Upper Crossed Syndrome: What Is It?

Overactive and underactive muscles overlapping throughout the neck, chest, and shoulders produce it. The pectorals (chest muscles) and the upper trapezius, levator scapulae, suboccipital, and sternocleidomastoid (neck muscles) are too tight or “facilitated.” The rhomboids, lower trapezius, serratus anterior muscles, and the deep flexor muscles at the front of the neck are weak or inhibited.

What is the cause?

This is due to the accumulation of little concerns such as:

  • Sitting at a desk for long periods produces a forward head carriage.
  • The chest and upper back are affected by poor training methods (such as overtraining the chest and neglecting the mid-back).
  • Round shoulders are caused by having a big bust.

What are the symptoms and signs?

When looking at yourself in the mirror from the side, your ear should be in line with your shoulder. If it isn't, we call it forward head carriage.

Increased cervical spine inward curvature (hyperlordosis).

Hyperkyphosis (or “humpback”) is a condition in which the thoracic spine curves outward. Weak muscles in the upper back can't resist the pull of tight muscles in the front of the chest pulling you forward. Hyperkyphosis can develop when the forward head carriage is added. In some circumstances, the neck can appear normal because we overextend through the neck to keep the head up!

Overactive muscles and rib cage tightness cause breathing difficulties.

Muscular imbalances impact the function of the shoulder joint, resulting in rounded shoulders and rotator cuff disorders. The rotator cuff muscles must work harder to stabilize the shoulder joint due to the imbalance. Shoulder impingement and rotator cuff strain might result as a result of this.

The shoulder blades flare out instead of lying flat on the ribs in winging of the scapula.

Trigger points (sensitive points) in the afflicted muscles produce chronic pain.

Migraines and tension headaches are caused by stress in the surrounding muscles and cervical and thoracic spine dysfunction.

Rounded shoulders and forward head carriage can compress the blood vessels or nerves in the region between the collarbone and first rib, causing pins and needles or tingling in the arms.

Irritation and dysfunction have a lower threshold in the affected muscles. This means that improper movement affects them fast, causing additional discomfort and issues. As a result, the concerned joints are put under tension, causing more pain. Poor posture, as you can see, is contagious. Not like a terrible cold that has spread around the office… Rather, it begins in one place and then spreads to another, which affects still another.

upper cross syndrome causes

How may Upper Crossed Syndrome and Poor Posture be treated?

Your chiropractor will work with you to get your upper back and neck back to normal. Exercise in this situation may force the muscles to adapt to the underlying dysfunction if the underlying joint function is faulty. This is why, first and foremost, the joint function must be restored. The weaker muscles can subsequently be strengthened with gentle stretches and exercises.

  • A simple approach to enhance your desk posture.
  • Start by doing the chin tuck exercise. This eventually prevents forward head carriage.
  • With your back to the wall, stand erect.
  • Tuck your chin into your chest and draw your head back against the wall.
  • When keeping this position for 5-10 seconds, the muscles at the front of the neck should be engaged.

The scalene muscles on the side of the neck that runs down to the collarbone may feel stretched. The suboccipital muscles at the top of the neck and the skull base may also be visible. This workout starts with strengthening the muscles at the front of the neck and upper back.

This exercise can be done lying down in bed with your back against a pillow. You may then execute it standing erect once you've mastered it. You'll soon be able to accomplish this while driving or working at your desk. Performing the exercise several times a day will help you improve your posture over time.

Myotherapists can assist in restoring normal joint movement and the relief of muscular tension. You'll be given more specific exercises as part of your treatment plan to assist relieve muscle tension and improving joint function.