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As soon as we hear the word “masturbation” for women, different thoughts start to occur in our brains. There is a lot of stigma regarding masturbation. However, the doctors say that it is not only safe, it also enhances female sexual health. And good female sexual health contributes to the overall health of a human being. Masturbation has uncountable benefits for female sexual health. In this article, we will discuss how masturbation helps to improve overall health and specifically “female sexual health.”

First and foremost, you should know that orgasming increases blood flow to the genitals, which triggers hormone production. These hormones include endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, etc. The role of each of these hormones is as mentioned below:

● Endorphins are responsible for reducing pain.

Oxytocin Nasal Spray is accountable for managing stress, fear, pain, anxiety and promote overall well-being.

● Serotonin is responsible for regulating mood and reducing stress.

Masturbation leading to orgasm has several health benefits for women that can be both physical and mental. These benefits include:

● Reducing stress and anxiety

● Releasing tension

● Improving sleep quality and sleep patterns

● Boosting one’s ability to focus or concentrate

● Elevating mood

● Managing pain

● Reducing migraines

● Strengthening one’s immunity

The following is a list describing how masturbation enhances female sexual health.

It leads to more and intense orgasms.

It is believed that women trying to achieve a climax can achieve it earlier through masturbation compared to sexual intercourse. A research was conducted to observe the difference between homosexual and heterosexual women. The results showed that 66% of homosexual women reach orgasm, whereas only 65% of heterosexual women reach an orgasm. The factors that drive these results include sex preferences, lack of communication, inadequate exploration of bodies, etc. Heterosexual women may not be able to distinguish their sexual preferences or not be able to communicate with their partners openly. As a result of which it becomes a struggle for reaching an orgasm. Despite this, masturbation can be a proper technique as it allows women to get more aware of their bodies, their g spots, where they want to be touched, how they feel, what they require, etc.

Moreover, another impotence study was conducted, which showed that 35% of women who reached the climax during sexual intercourse were the ones who masturbate regularly. At the same time, only 9% of women who climax during sex did not masturbate.

Reduces muscular cramping during periods

Masturbation helps to manage pain during your period. At the time of your period, the muscle cramps result from the uterus muscles’ contraction to shed its lining of blood. Female orgasmic disorder increases blood flow to your genitals which causes the glands to release the endorphins that can help relieve the cramping. It is the reason why you should exercise during your period as it has the same effects.

Alternative to sexual intercourse during pregnancy

Women who are pregnant might not be comfortable having sex with their partners. It may get frustrating for them. But there’s nothing to worry about as they always have an option to masturbate with their partners. Sometimes, the problem may not be with the pregnant woman but her partner as he can be unsure whether he should have sex or not or how he should have it. The partner can be worried about hurting the fetus. Masturbation can be a way out. However, everyone must know that sex during pregnancy is completely safe for the mother and the baby.

Prevents from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

If you have multiple sex partners, you must know that your chance of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD) increases significantly. The best way to not fall victim to infection is to get intimate, but orally. It means go for masturbation with your partner. You both will get an opportunity to explore each other in a better way. It also provides an option to get to know each other before taking the thing to the following levels. It will help increase your mutual understanding with your partner, helping you manage a long-term relationship.

Helps women after menopause

Older women experience many symptoms that are associated with menopause. The symptoms include vaginal dryness or pain during sex and can become a hurdle in their sex life. Older women can choose to masturbate to fulfill their sexual gratification without pain.

You can always choose to do things that can help improve female sexual health. There is so much more that you need to know about it. Please visit the harbor compounding pharmacy to read articles that will tell you about beautiful things about your body that you may not know.

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