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While considering crypto crowdfunding, the ICO is regarded as an efficient method where startups can raise funds for their projects by offering tokens to global investors. Meanwhile, the following question, “How to Launch an ICO Platform?” might be in the thoughts of many startups. 

Speaking of that, there are two ways to create an ICO platform: The first method is development from scratch and the second method is using a ready-made ICO script. Instead of developing the ICO platform from scratch, it is very simple to launch one using an ICO script.

ICO Dashboard Script – An Overview

The ICO dashboard script is a whole package of ready-made software that was created to assist you in running a token sale for your fundraising needs. The ICO dashboard script can be customized as per your particular business needs. Here, you are not required to spend a lot of money and time. Because, the ICO dashboard software package includes an ICO website, crypto token and wallet. You must consider the features of the ICO dashboard software before choosing it. The features are,

  • In-depth reporting and analytics
  • Outstanding transaction processing system 
  • Custom smart contract
  • Unique funding strategy
  • Whitelisting
  • Lock-in time management
  • A user-friendly interface
  • Current statistics
  • Secured crypto wallets 
  • KYC/AML programs
  • Exchange rates at the moment
  • Bonus systems and airdrops

Overall, by choosing an ICO dashboard script, you can launch an ICO platform in a secure manner. To get a readymade ICO dashboard script, you need to approach the best ICO Software Development Company. They will offer you error-free and customizable scripts within a short time at an affordable cost. The experienced and professional experts from the company provide you the simplest and bug-free ICO software. Based on my groundwork and analysis, I suggest ICOCLONE – A leading ICO software development company. Their dedicated support and real-time assistance help you launch an ICO with their feature-rich ICO script.

If you are interested in launching an ICO using a ready-made ICO Script,

Get a free demo>> ICO Dashboard Script


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