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Trying to determine how frequently you ought to wash your car? The clear coat may become damaged if you wash it too frequently. Lack of Pressure washing with a pressure washer hose might cause the dirt to build up and damage the coat. How much is too much, then? Find out by reading on!

The easiest approach to maintain your automobile clean and shield it from the elements is to wash it frequently. But vehicle washing using a pressure washer reel is more of an art than science these days, and it seems like everyone has their idea of how frequently people should wash their automobiles.

The majority of experts agree that you should wash your automobile every two to three weeks, but this recommendation is too general to be used as a “one size fits all” solution.

In contrast to someone who uses a car cover while their vehicle is not in use, a man driving a pickup truck in the middle of nowhere will need to wash his vehicle with a pressure washer hose more regularly than a teacher who commutes to work.

Instead of offering you a specific number of days, we will discuss the benefits of washing your car more frequently vs less frequently as well as how to determine which end of the spectrum you fall on. You won't run the danger of under either washing it or waiting until a jokester scrawls “Wash Me” on the rear window to fetch a container and some high-quality car wash detergent, which may leave damages in the painting, or over-washing it and risk leaving scratches in the paintwork. To find out how frequently you should wash your automobile to prevent fading, corrosion, discoloration, and other damage symptoms, continue reading below.

3 reasons to regularly wash your car

The best approach to protect the body and windows of your automobile from the weather is to wash using a pressure washer reel it regularly. Every time you drive your automobile outside, it is exposed to contaminating elements that, if you allow them, will harm the paint and finish.


These niggling creatures constantly manage to obstruct the path. The resultant splatter in your window not only smells bad (which is why you should regularly clean your car's windows), but it will also eventually harm the body. The simpler it will be to remove a bug stain without damaging the paint, the sooner you wipe it off the body.

Tree moss

You'll occasionally find yourself parked under a tree, even if you live in a metropolis. Additionally, if tree sap gets on your car, it will harm the paint's finish, discolor the body, and leave stains everywhere. This process will intensify as the weather becomes hotter.

Goose Feathers

They appear out of nowhere, and once they have dried and become firm, they will taint the painting. As soon as you see them, you should take them off and wash the car with a pressure washer hose since they can dry out very quickly, especially during the hot summer months.


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