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Do you know how Google Ads works? Google ADS or Google Adwords (as many still know it) is one of the most powerful digital advertising tools to promote and generate visibility and sales for a company. But it is a “very expensive toy” and if we do not know very well how it works, we will not only throw a lot of money away, but we will not get the expected results either.

Good morning, afternoon or evening dear reader, how are you? In our article that you can read here, I explained clearly what Google ADS is and I “broke” some myths that exist around all its controversy.

Let's remember that Google ADS has been sold a lot as a “digital advertising tool for all companies”, and this is not true at all, because as I mentioned before and I repeat now: Google is a company and wants you to spend money on it.

And this brings us to today's article in our SEO blog. Learn how Google ADS works, from my own experience and help you decide if advertising your company, your products or services on Google Ads is for you or it really isn't. Let's get to it!

Generally, before using something the first step is to learn “how it works” and this is completely applicable in every area of life.

How Google Ads works

Google ADS is a paid advertising program that is part of Google and as such allows us to advertise our products, services, companies and applications in the Google search network, in the display network, in more than 3 million sites that are part of its advertising network, in Youtube, in applications and even in Google Play.

In short, it is the largest advertising network that exists in the market, leaving by far other digital ad platforms like Facebook.

But how does Google show my ads in users' searches, on other websites, on youtube?  In the ecosystem of the Google universe, there are two types of users: Advertisers and publishers. Now we will explain in detail how it works or rather, how each of them influences this process. But first things first.

What can I advertise on the Google ADS network?

Google ADS is a platform that has a lot of reach and this is thanks to all its applications, platforms and partners that are part of its network. As a consequence of the above, Google ADS is not only a network to “promote your products or services”, it is also an excellent network that allows you to publicize the launch of a new product.

In conclusion in Google ADs you can advertise the following:

Services: This type of ads is generally targeted, so Google's search network can be used to promote your products or services.

Launch of a new brand, vehicle or movie: This type of ads can generally be seen on Yotube, on other web pages as a gif image or video, and even on applications.

These ads are part of Google's display and video network and their main function is to let millions of people know about a new product, movie, car or even the proposal of political parties.

Products: This type of ads are common to see in Google's search network and refer to Google Shopping ads. In short, if you have a store and want to improve sales, this type of ad is for you.

Apps: Google has been growing and evolving constantly, therefore it allows you to generate and create ads within the Google Play network and apps that are part of its network. If you have an application that you want to make known, this type of advertising is the one you are looking for.

Hotels: This type of ads is used by large hotel companies and its purpose is to present the current offers and promotions of their hotels or hotel platform.

As you can see, Google ADS is not only intended to “sell”, it is also a good tool to improve branding, loyalty and brand awareness.

What can I NOT advertise on the Google ADS network?

Gambling sites, adult themed sites, drug selling sites and many more are the “forbidden topics”, so if you run any of them you have to look at SEO as a great alternative.
Should I advertise on Google ADS?

Now you know what you can and cannot advertise on Google ADS, however this still leaves one question unclear: Should I advertise on Google? This is a very important question that many people do not ask themselves and that is why they end up failing at the time of advertising on the platform.

    In fact, the above question is part of how Google ADS works, so get it in your blood.

If users have a need and you can “satisfy or solve” it, then Google ADS could be a platform that complements your sales and marketing strategies.

But watch out for the word “could”, because the fact that people have a need is not necessarily a sign that you have to do it.

We can take travel companies as an example: Generally, this type of company generates a higher quantity and number of sales through social networks. Therefore, if I have the need to “go on a trip to Chiapas”, I could search in Google for example:

    Travel to Chiapas, tour to Chiapas, packages to Chiapas.

And as we can see in the image below, there are no advertisers.

But, if we start browsing social networks, such as Facebook, we will come across a lot of advertising offers and promotions in Chiapas.

Summarizing all of the above, if the user has a need and you can solve that need, you will have to do a “research” to analyze if your product or service is sold through Google ADS ads, Social Networks, Email Marketing Campaigns, SEO, etc.

In this way, you can allocate advertising budgets in each of these possible sources of sales, “complementing” your marketing strategy.