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When it comes to Lasik Treatment in Mauritius, there are many reasons why you should do it and how it can benefit you in the long run. After all, if the operation does not work well and you are unsatisfied with the results, you can always go back to your old pair of glasses or contact lenses and nothing will change in your life at all! No one will force you to go under the operation process unless you want to improve your quality of life in terms of vision. Here’s what happened when I decided to get Lasik Eye Treatment in Mauritius myself.


What is LASIK Eye Surgery?

Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) is a form of laser vision correction, which permanently changes your eyesight. A corneal flap is created using a microkeratome or femtosecond laser and then lifted to allow reshaping of your cornea. After treatment, your LASIK surgeon will instruct you on how to rest for an hour or two before returning home. Your vision will gradually return throughout that day and you should be able to see clearly after 24 hours; however, bright light may cause mild discomfort for a few days afterward. The thin flap created during LASIK can sometimes take longer than usual to heal and so your LASIK surgeon will prescribe you antibiotic drops if necessary.


What are the risks involved in LASIK?

LASIK is considered to be one of safest vision correction procedures. However, any surgery does involve some risk. The risks involved in LASIK include dry eyes, infection, corneal haze and night vision problems. Corneal haze occurs when scar tissue develops on your cornea after LASIK. This can cause a loss of clarity in your vision and affect your ability to drive at night or participate in certain sports that require good visual acuity such as golf or tennis. Corneal haze typically heals within six months after treatment but sometimes it can take up to two years for complete healing to occur.


Who can have LASIK?

People who are eligible for LASIK typically have vision that falls within a range called refractive error. The common vision problems that fall into refractive error are near-sightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Depending on your particular condition, you may be able to have LASIK if you meet certain criteria. For example, if you’re near-sighted but don’t have an extreme prescription (more than -6 diopters), then you might be a good candidate for LASIK. If you’re farsighted but don’t need glasses to see objects up close (more than +3 diopters), then you could also qualify.


What are the pre-operative tests required?

Before undergoing Lazer Eye Surgery in Mauritius, patients will have a number of tests to ensure they are suitable for treatment. Most people can expect to have their eyes checked by an ophthalmologist to ensure there is no underlying condition that could interfere with Laser Eye Surgery in Mauritius. It’s also necessary to have a full check up by your optometrist in order to obtain a prescription for your post-operative contact lenses or glasses if required. Other tests may include


What happens during Lasik surgery?

Before you can understand what happens during LASIK, you need to know that LASIK is an acronym for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. It’s a medical procedure designed to correct refractive errors by permanently reshaping your cornea. The term refractive error refers to imperfections in how light travels through your eyes and focuses on your retina. For example, if you have nearsightedness (myopia), light focuses before it reaches your retina; if you have farsightedness (hyperopia), light focuses behind it. This makes images blurry and hard to see clearly.


Post-operative instructions

Wear your prescribed eyeglasses for one week after surgery. If you wear contact lenses, discard them immediately. Your vision may be hazy for a few days after surgery; take it easy on yourself and rest as needed. Stop reading and computer work for a day or two (read up on best practices here). The majority of people see 20/20 without correction or medication by three months post-surgery, but there is some possibility that you will need to do vision therapy in order to achieve optimal results.


Results and side effects

Lasik eye Surgery or Laser Eye Surgery is a type of laser vision correction or refractive surgery which permanently changes your cornea. This operation is performed on patients that are suffering from short-sightedness, myopia and long-sightedness. The operation will change your shape of cornea so you can focus normally without using lenses. Many people who had undergone Laser Eye Surgery in Mauritius are happy with it because they can see better without their glasses and some say it has changed their life completely. My story of going through Lasik surgery in Mauritius helped me understand how and why many opt for such surgeries to get rid of lifelong vision problems caused by wearing lenses.

