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In America today, we can witness a stark divide between the general public and the government. But why is this so? The truth is, where there will be good, there will always be wrong trying to deceive and misdirect to fulfill political agenda. The media is one particular outlet that proves to be detrimental when it comes to leading the public astray of the truth. In the pursuit of PR ratings and numbers, alongside the corrupt funding spun stories to help their cause, is there a way we can build a bridge to close the distance created by the evildoers?

Let's discuss how independent journalism is the answer we all seek.

Independent Journalism

Independent journalism is a medium of independent media without the involvement of any individual or institution, including the government itself. This opens the door to numerous possibilities and opportunities for a better, well-informed nation.

Here's how:


Regarding media and journalism, perspectives are crucial to determine the story's impact on people. With the introduction of independent journalists, the public will be able to gain exposure to various perspectives, which will help them form an unbiased and constructive decision on their stance.


Simply put, the public wants to know the truth without the red tape. Traditional journalism can facilitate the spread of false information, which can potentially be disastrous for public reform and the overall unity of a nation. Independent journalists, uninfluenced by third-party pressures, can portray a more holistic story.


It's safe to say journalism run by magazines and news outlets think twice before calling out a significant personality, whether it is in the political or showbiz industry. They approach the news as a product, a representation of their brand. With independent journalism, the priority is given more to the truth itself and holding those accountable regardless of their background.

Cross-Platform Engagement

News outlets are weary of reporting via sources that are not their own. Ironically, the “divide” is also among the media for business reasons. Independent journalism involves multiple sources, including social media and podcasts, to help construct a more objective and fact-based perception of the situation. 


Lastly, independent journalism, due to its unrestrictive nature, can provide opportunities for a deeper, more conclusive investigation to produce an unfiltered angle for the world to see.

Fundamentally, to bridge the gap between a people in a nation, one must cultivate trust and knowledge of the truth. Independent journalism is one of the most effective ways to cultivate this trust and counteract a world driven by deceit and political agendas.

No wonder Katya Fernandez in T.D. Hitchens' book, Great Divide of the 4th Estate, vouched for independent journalism, getting tired of the “big media.” Katya pursues her own stories to tell; however, one day, she may have just found herself on the brink of a jaw-dropping political revelation.

Find out more by picking up Great Divide of the 4th Estate now!


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