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Get the right breast shape with Breast Reduction Surgery by Dr. Mrinalini Sharma!

Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgical technique that reduces the size of the breasts by eliminating excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue. The surgery is also called reduction mammaplasty done by expert plastic surgeon Dr. Mrinalini Sharma to provide a breast more prominent size and alleviate the discomfort that developed due to larger breasts. In addition, the patient experiences emotional and physical distress due to the breast size disproportion with their body.

Learn more on Breast Reduction in Delhi with Dr. Mrinalini Sharma in this article:

A woman may consider breast reduction when experiencing:

  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder pain
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Skin infections under the breast fold that are chronic
  • Breast reduction can benefit women, whether they want to ease discomfort or have their breasts proportionately with their body and give a more appealing appearance.

Who are the best candidates for this surgery?

  • A healthy woman with physical or mental problems due to large breasts.
  • A woman with fully developed breasts.
  • A woman who doesn't smoke or consume alcohol.
  • A woman who is not currently pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • A woman with no diabetic problem or cardiac problems.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

The doctor will initially introduces anesthesia to the patient's body. Once the anesthesia becomes affected, the surgeon will make an incision. The incision will be made in a circular pattern around the areola (around the nipple), in a keyhole layout beginning at the areola and stopping around the crease of the breast, or finally in a T shape beginning around the areola and embracing the curvature of the breast.

The procedure involves removing a wedge of the breast gland from the underlying skin. The nipple stays intact on a tissue bridge, giving it blood flow, then translocating to a new higher place. Closing the incision requires sutures, surgical tape, and skin adhesives.

In the vertical scar approach to breast reduction, the final scar will be around the areola and extend vertically down to the inframammary fold. If the keyhole pattern (inferior pedicle method) is used, an extra transverse scar will form in the inframammary fold.

Types of Incision Patterns that Help Reduce Enlarged Breast Size

There are two main incision types used in reduction mammoplasty. First, breast lift surgery uses a vertical reduction pattern, which results in a lollipop scar. Next, the incisions surrounding the areola form a circle and a vertical, straight line. Patients with a minor or moderate amount of tissue to be removed may be suitable candidates for this incision method.

A wise incision may be used for other patients with larger breasts or those who may require additional tissue excision. For example, with a vertical line extending from the areola scar and meeting a horizontal line beneath each breast, the wise pattern scar on each breast resembles an upside-down T or anchor.

Following the incision, the surgeon removes tissue from the skin while navigating the patient's blood vessels and nerves, which may vary from person to person.

Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast reduction surgery can benefit women who want smaller, symmetrical breasts. Women have undergone this procedure for a variety of reasons, both medical and cosmetic.

Dr. Mrinalini Sharma provides patients with the best experience and results, regardless of the situation with Breast Reduction Treatment in Delhi.

The surgeons reduce breast size that make it more proportional to the body by removing excess breast fat, tissue, and skin. This procedure is quite popular among patients because it helps relieve physical discomfort caused by large breasts.

  1. Breast reduction is more than just a cosmetic procedure.

It's vital to remember that large breasts are more than just a cosmetic issue for many women; they're also a risk to their health. Heavy breasts can be responsible for causing pain and discomfort in the shoulders, neck, and back. Larger breasts can also cause rashes, make specific tasks difficult, and even induce numbness, tingling, and headaches in the upper extremity.

Larger breasts are sometimes positioned lower on the chest than desirable, and the areola size may be enormous. Shifting the breast tissue upward and losing weight improves a woman's posture and relieves tension and pressure from the bra straps on her shoulders and neck.

  1. Breast reduction surgery provides life-changing results.

Patient satisfaction is extremely high after breast reduction surgery, and the results are long-lasting. Furthermore, the majority of women who have the procedure later in life express regret that they did not have the reduction surgery before.

  1. Proportion and balance.

Breast reduction surgery can bring a woman's breasts into average proportion with the rest of her body. There may be a healing period during which the chest may feel more prominent, but this is temporary, and a woman will notice her enhanced contour after the swelling reduces. Improving breast proportions enhances the figure. A woman's body contour will be slimmer and shapely than rounded with huge bulges. The breasts will also be perkier.

  1. Improved hygiene.

Patients notice less friction and sweating at the breast crease when breast tissue is reduced. This improvement in hygiene will increase comfort and quality of life in this area. When the other benefits are considered, breast reduction becomes more appealing, with fewer rashes and a lower risk of yeast infections in this area.

  1. Recovery time is short.

As a breast reduction is often performed as an outpatient procedure, a woman will be discharged from the hospital the same day after the procedure.

During the first few days, they will require assistance with basic activities and chores around the house. However, because no bones or tendons are harmed, they will heal fast, returning to work in two weeks and feeling like their usual selves in one month.

  1. Clothes fit better.

When the breasts are in better proportion to the rest of the body, a woman can wear costumes and blouses that she previously would not have considered. They can wear clothing that is more than just t-shirts or oversized pullovers. They will feel more at ease poolside or at the beach during the warmer months. Bathing suit options will be more diverse; selecting trends will be enjoyable and increase their self-esteem. Summer dresses with spaghetti straps or low-cut necklines won't be an issue. With this expanded wardrobe, women will experience comfort and confidence.

Consult Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, to know more about breast reduction cost in Delhi to get the amazing benefits of this surgery.


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