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With any signs of kidney pathology, it is important to contact a nephrologist. The main symptoms include lower back pain and frequent urination. The specialist does not deal with surgical treatment but can prescribe an effective conservative treatment. How is the appointment with a nephrologist?

When to See a Nephrologist for a Consultation

Some diseases may present in a mild or acute form. But over time, they can lead to serious pathology or even complications. Among the symptoms indicating kidney disease, the following can be distinguished:

oliguria or reduced urination;

anuria or complete cessation of urination;

polyuria, when the volume of urine excreted increases significantly;

proteinuria, indicating the appearance of protein;

hematuria, in which there is blood in the urine.

Disturbing pain in the lumbar region.

Consultation is required not only for primary pain but also for identified diseases. For example, the doctor will help adjust the treatment for inflammation of the kidneys, kidney failure, urinary infections or renal colic. Riverside Nephrology Physicians provide the best nephrology physicians treatment in USA.

Note! A sign of high blood pressure may indicate chronic kidney disease. Therefore, it is important to consult a nephrologist to make an accurate diagnosis or rule it out.

Features of the appointment with a nephrologist

This specialist's main profile is the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. Usually, the therapist directs a consultation with a  nephrologist, but you can go directly to your doctor.

An appointment should be made if several problems are identified – too much or too little urine, painful urination, or any violations in this area. The presence of pain in the lumbar region is also taken into account.

In this case, before the consultation, you need to remember the main points of the appearance and nature of the symptoms. First of all, the doctor surveys to determine the history of the disease. This allows you to identify the condition picture and prescribe an examination and subsequent therapy.

The specialist clarifies the following questions:

change in the color of urine;

whether there were problems with urination before;

the presence of cystitis;

the duration of the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms;

the nature and time of the event of violations;

area of ​​pain.

During the appointment, the doctor can gently palpate the kidney area. In this case, you need to act carefully since unpleasant and painful sensations appear when touched with pyelonephritis.

How is the examination of the patient

Inspection is a mandatory step if kidney pathologies are detected. It is important to undergo preliminary preparation before taking:

reduce fluid intake in the evening before the appointed day of admission;

do not drink alcohol a few days before the date of the visit to the doctor;

refuse breakfast;

do not eat foods that provoke increased gas formation on the eve of admission;

stop taking medications if possible.

Before the examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis. It concerns the patient's complaints, dietary and lifestyle habits, and similar problems in close relatives. Then the nephrologist performs percussion of the abdomen and back, during which the tapping of body parts is completed, the analysis of the received sounds. Auscultation is also served – listening to noises with a stethoscope. Then palpation of the lower back is performed. Finally, the specialist examines the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth measures blood pressure and body temperature.

To obtain more accurate data, the patient is referred for additional diagnostics. First, it is necessary to take a blood and urine test to undergo an x-ray of the kidneys. Then, MRI, computed tomography, profile ultrasound diagnostics, and scintigraphy are then performed. If signs of a neoplasm are detected, a biopsy is prescribed. On ultrasound, manifestations of nephroptosis are noticeable when one or two kidneys are prolapsed. Riverside Nephrology Physicians provide the best hemodialysis center treatment in USA.

Thus, a nephrologist can identify serious kidney diseases, choose treatment, and monitor recovery dynamics. Thanks to the experience of a specialist and diagnostic equipment, you can get the best effect and restore health.