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Columnar activated carbon is made of high-quality coal, coconut shell, wood chips as raw materials, refined by advanced technology, and the appearance is black amorphous particles. So do you know how long the columnar activated carbon can be stored? The life of columnar activated carbon includes storage and service life. If it is left in the storage room, it can be stored for a long time.

In actual use, how long can it be used if it is continuously filtered. However, the storage life of activated carbon is generally 3-5 years, but it also depends on the sealed environment, temperature and humidity, and product quality. pellet activated carbon How much is the amount of columnar activated carbon filtered. Only when it is full of dirt and saturated, its service life will end. In general, the service life of activated carbon will not exceed one year.

Under normal circumstances, the use of activated carbon for water treatment is generally more than one year, and the columnar activated carbon for gas purification and waste gas treatment is 8 months or more. After a long period of use, the activated carbon needs to be replaced after it is saturated. activated carbon suppliers  Columnar activated carbon The working environment of columnar activated carbon is unfiltered raw water, and when the water quality is good, the water turbidity below 10 usually takes 3-6 years to replace. The river water is generally replaced every 3-4 years.

The backwash of columnar activated carbon is called filter regeneration, and the control of the regeneration cycle indicates whether the activated carbon can be used for a long time. If the backwash control is good, it can generally be used again for 2-3 years. Of course, it is also related to the quality of the water you are filtering, and the service life is different. When using columnar activated carbon, regular attention should be paid to observe the effect of the discharged water. If any emission indicators are found to be out of compliance, they should be overhauled in time.