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How Long Does It Take to Learn a Language from an Online Language Tutor?

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Language learning can be overwhelming! It depends upon three-factor, the attitude of the learner, the time spent to learn, and the online language tutor's skills. 

Although, this is a pretty tricky question, and unfortunately, there is no easy or standard answer to this. Your passion for learning plays a vital role in making the session easy to understand and quick to grasp. 

Let us look at the vital elements to consider in knowing the time it takes to learn a new language. 

Learning Takes time

If you have been told that you can learn a language in 7 days, it is a scam! For many of us, we believe it is possible, especially when reputable online language learning platforms claim it. Most people wish to achieve language as fast as possible, but you can not do it without giving enough time to it. 

If you spare 10 hours a day learning the language, it is possible to know within 7 days. That means you need a lot of practice, spare enough time, revise a lot and then find results. 

A Quick Path to Learn Always Lure You 

You may see online language learning platforms marketing themselves as ‘learn a language in 1 month’ ‘learn with advanced learning methods within 7 days’ ‘Quick way to learn French with great tutors onboard.’ These are some marketing tactics that lure your attention. Remember, there is no real-time or duration to learning a language. 

Every individual finds their own pace and speed to learn! But, one promised way of knowing with complete professionalism is through language tutors. 

Learning platforms for tutors and students have natives speaking professionals who can help you learn it confidently. You understand alphabets, grammar, vocabulary, and accents throughout the session. 

Difficulty Levels and Variation 

In language learning, there are different levels, from the most basic to intermediate, advanced, and business level. Depending on the type of level you choose, the difficulty in learning impacts. 

From online learning platforms, it may take up less time to learn basic level and more time for advanced. While, for business-level learning, you may require a popper 6 months course. So, it impacts how easily or quickly you learn a new language. 

General and Advanced Proficiency! 

Now, this is different from the level of language learning. You may be required to learn only the general aspect of the language. This is for you to understand and speak a bit! While advanced proficiency focuses on good communication, accent, and more. When you enroll yourself in tutoring platforms online, you can share your requirements about your ability! 


Want to learn a new language but don't know where? At Evopry, one of the finest online learning platforms. You get the best online language tutors on board, skilled, experienced to teach you language. Share your personalised requirements with them, and let them guide you accordingly. Language learning can be intimidating, but when you learn from experts, it becomes easier and more fun.