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How Many Numbers Of Blue Buffalo Locations Are There In The United States In 2021?

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Locations: 26,688

States& Territories: 51

Cities: 4494

How Many Buffalo Locations Are There In The United States In 2021?

As of December 16, 2021, there are 26,688 Blue Buffalo outlets around the US. California has 2,737 Blue Buffalo stores, accounting for 10% of the all the Blue Buffalo establishments in the United States.

Map Of Blue Buffalo Locations In The United States In 2021


The Top States With The Blue Buffalo Locations: California Vs Texas Vs Florida

California Texas Florida
Population : 39.1M Population : 29.0M Population : 21.48M
Locations : 2737(10%) Locations : 2188(8%) Locations : 2092(7%)
There is a Blue Buffalo location for every 14,436 people, accounting for about 10% of the total number of Blue Buffalo locations. There is a Blue Buffalo facility for every 13,252 individuals, accounting for around 8% of the total number of Blue Buffalo establishments. There is a Blue Buffalo site for every 10,266 individuals, accounting for around 7% of the total number of Blue Buffalo establishments.

The US States And Territories Not Having Blue Buffalo Locations

Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands do not have any Blue Buffalo establishments.

Top 10 Cities Having The Majority Of Blue Buffalo Locations In The US

City State/Territory Number of Locations
Houston Texas 152
Las Vegas Nevada 127
San Antonio Texas 119
Miami Florida 118
Phoenix Arizona 112
Chicago Illinois 109
Tucson Arizona 101
Dallas Texas 101
San Diego California 97
Austin Texas 96

Downloading The Blue Buffalo Locations Dataset

Our data database has a complete list of Blue Buffalo sites that were used in this study. Here’s a random selection of 10 records for you to examine the fields and data we supply.

sample data

Contact Locationscloud if you require Blue Buffalo data.

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