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These are the prime case studies of custom software. Being adopted by businesses from small to big enterprises, custom software has proven its position in supporting better operation and being a game-changing strategy.  

Let’s learn how McDonald, Unilever and Alibaba did it.


As the titan in the fast-food industry, McDonald’s took a lead in digital transformation with their digital in-store customer experience. Using custom software, they cater a new dining journey, shower it with convenience from entry to exit. The goal was to trim wait times, magnify order volumes and ensure contactless payment.  

Two main features of this digital solution are contactless payment and self-serve kiosk.   Although they are designed to be minimalistic, the app is powerful and offers maximum output. With this push from McDonald, contactless interactions soon became the norm, as we are using it daily nowadays. The F&B giant was already a step ahead, making not just competitors but also other industries opt for the same solution. 


Remarkable results were soon reported, especially for the drive-thru and dine-in experiences. McDonalds unlocked a 50% increase in sales and customers returned more often. Their restaurant performance is much faster as many of the steps are automated, cutting down time spent on manually taking in order.  

From the story of McDonalds in custom software, we sure learn one thing: to build a customer-centric business, technology is a vital part. While it can improve the operation's performance, the final goal of attracting more sales is easily attained. 


Vietnamese Unilever Factory, knowns as the highest performance manufacturers in this region, has around 1.400 employees. To make sure all 1.400 employees work seamlessly together, they utilize a modern production line, with the goal of enhancing the whole chain’s performance.  

Working with an outsource development company from Vietnam, Synodus, the company successfully build a product planning system and auto weighting tools that helps that staff predict the right quantity. 

The said system, integrated with the emerging technology such as AI, machine learning and IoT facilitate Unilever’s employee with robust features: 

  • Automatically updates data in real-time. 
  • Provide dashboards and reports for quick analysis. 
  • Appoint work schedules and upcoming delivery to assigned employees. 
  • Available via web and mobile apps for multiple access.  
  • Forecast potential quantity, finished time, required mandate and market trend based on given data.  
  • Auto weighting system uses camera sensory and AI to detect trucks position and estimated weight. Everything is updated constantly with precision and high security. 


After 6 months of using this top-notch custom solution delivered by Synodus, Unilever Vietnam reported great results: 

  • Changeover cost is decreased by 10%  
  • Employees save time on production planning by 80%   
  • Decrease required resources and time for truck inspection  
  • Enhance data accuracy   


This is a clear example of how having the right tailored solution can be a winning strategy for business in the game of efficiency. 


As the giant of eCommerce industry, the story Alibaba always amazes us. From a China company, they quickly earned a trusting spot across global market as wholesaler and merchant. The journey highlighted a bold decision-making in strategic outsourcing, despite China being known to favor of in-house prowess.   

In 1999, Alibaba planned to go global but realized their website was outdated. It: 

  • Can’t cater to the international users’ taste. It’s not aesthetically pleasing and hard to navigate, resulting in bad shopper’s experience. 
  • Can’t deal with a large batch of traffic and transactions from everywhere around the world. 

At the same time, Alibaba recognized a critical skill gap: No development company in China has the adequate expertise to meet their requirement.  

The team switched to the U.S for web development. Thanks to this, Alibaba can access a wider pool of talent developers that can adapt to their requirements, helping the company become the largest online marketplace.  

We sure can learn some valuable lesson:  

  • Don’t let geographic boundaries limit your talent access. Nearshore or Offshore outsourcing has become a norm nowadays. Besides, online working tools have made this so much easier to connect and collab.  
  • Despite certain risks, outsourcing can propel your business forward, especially when being done with the right approach. 

Hospital Information System

A healthcare provider was slowed down by excessive paperwork, bottlenecks in process and slow response rates. They decided to put an end to this madness by tailoring a Hospital Information System. 

The system has 2 main functions. First is the Master Patient Index (MPI), a database that automatically removes low-quality documents (which mainly do not meet the legal standards). Second is the Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) that help them switch on-paper medical records to digital documents. From there the company can avoid loss of information, secure their data and save resources on physical storage.  

This change marked a significant shift for medical staff. They now spend less time on paperwork, don't have to work overtime or bring the paper home, and precision is at its best. 

All of this leads to an enhanced patient's experience. Especially with a self-service portal where patients can check their test results, view their health information, and schedule appointments at their convenience. 


After using the software for a few months, the healthcare provider recorded a notable boost in patient engagement and satisfaction, all thanks to the streamlined services and focus on patient-centered care. 

The job was also done by Synodus, proving how software can be tailored to the specific needs of an organization by having the right sidekick. 

Of course, there are many other custom software examples that you can learn from. Click the link to read about BlackBerry, Air Canada and Tips to have a success custom project like these giants. 

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