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Hunger is one of the most unfortunate challenges facing mankind today. On one side, tons of edible food is wasted at weddings and other lavish parties, while on the other end there are people who do not know where their next meal would come from.


Though a lot has been done to ensure every poor person is well-fed, there is still much to be done. Though many countries with developing economies have drafted policies to end hunger, the intent is lost due to corruption and red tape.


When it comes to how to end poverty, proper implementation of public policy for human welfare is crucial. Many a time, the rations allocated to eradicate hunger do not reach the people who need it the most. Improper storage or lack of crucial infrastructure is also a huge challenge.


How ineffective government efficiency result in hunger?


Public health, government policy, and the eradication of hunger are interlinked. The only way to solve these challenges is with an effective government policy where the intended rations and resources are allocated to those in need. 

Though this is easier said than done, there are quite a few success stories. Ethiopia and Bangladesh are two of them. With the help of sound policies and principled governance, both these countries have managed to reduce the threat of their people sleeping on empty stomachs.


Sometimes, governments look the other way when it comes to helping people in need. The British administration in India purposefully redirected food to the British troops fighting World War II despite there being a disastrous famine in Bengal during the war. This resulted in immense loss of lives in Bengal due to lack of food.


Impact on inflation on hunger

Rising food prices can push thousands of people into hunger and poverty. When a country faces war and famine, the prices of essential foodstuff rises. This causes all sorts of problems- uncontrolled inflation, the collapse of the banking system, rioting, looting, and much more. Many people start leaving the country while others cut down on expenses.


A well-intentioned government needs to make sure that essential foodstuffs prices remain stable; a greater increase in inflation can cause mayhem and increase hunger and poverty within the population.


For those who are below the poverty line, the government needs to ensure basic food items reach them when needed.


However, this is easier said than done. Many governments officials would not think twice before fudging accounts and redirecting food items meant for the poor. Unfortunately, such poor public policies are a common occurrence in poor countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.


What you can do to help?


Feeding those in need is one of the best ways to earn God’s blessings. At the Catholic Connect Foundation, we raise funds and resources for Catholic Charities to donate to

Making sure every person gets their rightful share of food is one of our aims. You too can be a part of this campaign. You could start by contributing $15 a month to our foundation and could increase your donations later. 

After all, you get the blessings of both God and the person you feed.

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