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Even though mankind has made a lot of progress in reducing hunger, there are still more than 800 million people struggling with hunger daily. Though most of us attribute the reason for hunger to poverty, there are many other interconnected reasons for it. In this post, we’ll see some of these reasons for a better understanding of this worldwide challenge. To help people in need, everyone has to contribute to the betterment of mankind, hunger cannot be solved only by one entity, it requires the collective efforts of all sections of society.

Poverty- Poverty is the number one reason for hunger. Usually, people who live on less than $1.90 suffer from hunger. These are usually small-hold farmers or other professions in rural areas. They face hunger as the food they grow isn’t sufficient for their needs or they do not have access to food throughout the year.

Job instability- In developed countries, hunger is caused by job loss or inadequate income. This happens when the mouths to feed are more or when the income is insufficient for buying food. Additionally, those who have spent time behind bars face discrimination when it comes to job opportunities. Recessions in the economy are a big contributing factor to job instability and hunger.

Food waste and food shortages- There can be food shortages for many reasons- inflation, poor harvest, improper distribution, and so on. In many countries, food shortages are common, especially when food grains run out before the harvest season. This is when people start to cut back on meals.

Food waste, on the other hand, is a problem in many countries. It is estimated that about 40 percent of food is wasted due to improper storage facilities or wastage during transportation or during large public gatherings. This is a man-made challenge, if it can be solved, it would be great to feed the hungry people worldwide.

Poor infrastructure-When there is a lack of roads or other supporting infrastructure to distribute goods, it can result in hunger and malnutrition amongst people living in the most remote areas. In arid and semi-arid regions, a lack of water or irrigation can result in hunger for those growing crops for self-sustenance.

Unstable food markets- Those living in extreme poverty spend most of their income on food. When the price of food increases, limited incomes ensure food quantity is not up to the mark to feed people at home. A small increase in the prices of basic food grains can result in millions of people going hungry.

Climate change- The poor bear the brunt of climate change despite having contributed little to this problem. Climate change is resulting in poor rainfall and harsher climates across the world. This is resulting in poor harvests in vulnerable regions eventually causing hunger. With the global population expected to rise up to 9 billion by 2100, food production has to increase by 70 percent to feed all of mankind.

War and conflict- This results in a mass exodus of people or destruction of crucial infrastructure.  It is the poor who suffer the most due to war and conflict. Destruction of homes and other infrastructure results in widespread poverty and hunger. This becomes a vicious cycle unless steps are not taken to solve the humanitarian crises due to the conflict.

Nutritional Quality-  It isn’t just the availability of food, lack of nutritious food also makes a difference. In many developing countries, children do not get enough protein or other nutrients, resulting in malnutrition or wasting. Also called ‘hidden hunger’, it is crucial for infants under 2 years to have a nutritious diet for their well-being and normal growth.

Summing Up

The causes of poverty and hunger are often interrelated and complex. Solving these challenges requires the help of every person in every way, even if it means donating a small portion of your monthly income for this cause.

Most professionals agree that the question ofHow to end povertycan only be addressed with the active cooperation of NGOs, multinationals, local governments, and other stakeholders for best results.






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