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After the testator has passed away, beneficiaries may change their claim to an inheritance from a will by using a deed of variation, also known as a deed of family arrangement. You might want to do this if you don't need your entire inheritance and would rather it to go to someone else, and it can also lower the inheritance tax.

The only piece of the inheritance that beneficiaries may modify is their own. Sometimes additional parties, such as executors or other beneficiaries, who would be impacted by the adjustment, must also agree.

What might cause someone to want a change?

Because it was not revised to reflect the deceased person's evolving circumstances at the time of their death, a will may occasionally be void or out-of-date. If there is no will, the Intestacy Rules govern what should happen, which may not be how the departed person would have wanted their inheritance to be distributed.

If the beneficiary feels that other persons are more deserving of the bequest or if doing so will better reflect the wishes of the dead, they may decide not to receive the whole amount of inheritance to which they are permitted.

How does a deed of variation actually work?

The beneficiary may choose to transfer all or a portion of their estate interest once the agreement is executed. People typically give their estate interest to a trust, charity, or other third party. Normally, a probate deed of variation results in a gift from the original beneficiary to the new beneficiary. Despite the fact that this document could seem helpful, if utilized incorrectly, there could be unintended tax consequences. It may be possible to make revisions to the will or the intestacy provisions if the deceased person's preferences aren't reflected in them, ensuring that the people and property inherited are what the deceased person would have desired.