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Pregnancy tests are affordable and accessible in the majority of pharmacies and supermarkets. You simply pee on a stick to perform a test. It’s a quick and reliable technique to determine whether you are pregnant. 

If you follow the instructions for pregnancy tests correctly, they are incredibly accurate. 99 times out of 100, the pregnancy tests you buy at the pharmacy are accurate. They are equally reliable as a pregnancy test done with urine at a doctor's office. You can find this option by googling “gynecologist near me” and getting professional testing.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), a hormone, is looked for during pregnancy testing in urine (pee). This hormone is only produced by your body during pregnancy. When a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of your uterus at the beginning of pregnancy, HCG is released. If your pregnancy test results are positive, you are pregnant. If they are negative, you are not pregnant.

Taking a pregnancy test after you've already missed your period will be the most accurate.

If you misuse a pregnancy test or expire, it won't be as accurate. Because of this, it's important always to check the expiration date on the packaging and carefully follow the instructions for your pregnancy test.

How Soon Can I Test Positive for Pregnancy?

The optimal time to take a pregnancy test is right after your period is past due. If you miss your period or suspect you could be pregnant, getting a pregnancy test as soon as possible is a good idea.

The sooner you become aware of your pregnancy, the sooner you may consider your options and seek the treatment you require to remain healthy.

Although many pregnancy tests claim to be effective a few days before a missed period, the findings are typically less reliable at that time. To determine when to perform a pregnancy test and how accurate it will be, read the label on your pregnancy test.

Sometimes, even 10 days after unprotected sex, a pregnancy test might detect hormones in your urine. However, you can get a false positive or false negative test result because these results aren't very dependable.

Take a pregnancy test three weeks after sex for the most accurate results if your periods are not regular or you don't get any for any reason.

Where Can I Get Tested for Pregnancy?

Pregnancy tests are available at your neighborhood pharmacy, drugstore, grocery shop, and a few dollar or convenience stores. Most pregnancy tests are affordable; they might cost as little as $1. At some medical facilities, you may occasionally receive a free pregnancy test.

Additionally, your doctor or nurse at a neighborhood clinic may be able to provide you with a pregnancy test. The majority of health facilities employ the same commercial urine pregnancy tests. Blood tests are occasionally used to check for pregnancy, although they are typically only used in exceptional cases.

However, be cautious when looking for a trustworthy medical facility because scam crisis pregnancy centers are out there. In addition to allegedly providing advice and assistance, crisis pregnancy centers offer free pregnancy testing. However, they may not be run by medical professionals and fail to provide all the necessary options or the truth about pregnancy. In order to mislead individuals and lure them into attending their center instead, crisis pregnancy centers frequently have names similar to those of Planned Parenthood health centers or other actual medical centers situated close by.

What Should I Do If a Test Is Positive?

After missing your period, you should take a pregnancy test; if the results are positive, you are pregnant. If you want, you can always take another test to be certain.

To have a follow-up test, you should visit your local family planning clinic or a nurse or doctor. They will discuss your options for having a baby and assist in getting you the help you need. A crisis pregnancy center might not provide accurate information about your pregnancy and all of your options, so be careful not to visit one.