1. Education

How Reviews Can Help Segregate Authentic Technical Education?

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The higher education system in India has grown in the post-independence period, to become one of the largest systems of its kind in the world. However, the system has many issues of concern at present, like financing and management including access, equity, and relevance, reorientation of programs by emphasizing health consciousness, values and ethics, and quality of higher education together with the assessment of institutions and their accreditation. These issues are important for the country, as it is now engaged in the use of higher education as a powerful tool to build a knowledge-based information society of the 21st Century. Recognizing the above and the basic fact, that the Universities have to perform multiple roles, like creating new knowledge, acquiring new capabilities, and producing an intelligent human resource pool, through challenging teaching, research, and extension activities to balance both the need and the demand, the University Grants Commission (UGC) had initiated nation wise discussion on the said issues.

The Pending Issues

There is a great importance of feedback in improving the learning experience for the students. This has also a significant effect in professionalizing teaching at the higher education level. However, feedback is considered a difficult issue in this arena. Most of the lecturers are continuing with the traditional form of feedback. This form of feedback is often unable to satisfy the students in improving their learning experience. It is high time for the lecturers to re-think the feedback-providing process. They should avoid the traditional way of providing feedback to the students. This paper comes with some modern and technology-based ways of providing feedback which can eventually help students improve student learning experience. This can also help in professionalizing the teaching of lecturers in higher education.

Reviews Impacting Education Platforms

Training institutes need to encourage reviews because more and more students rely on the opinions and experiences of others when making their decisions. Ratings and reviews have the power to reach a larger audience and be more influential (and less expensive) than conventional marketing methods. Here are some of the ways that ratings and reviews can help training institutes:

  • Ratings and Reviews Establish Credibility

Ratings and reviews are extremely effective in establishing organizational credibility simply because people assume that the writers have nothing to gain. Having objective customers with no ulterior motive speak highly of institutional services through ratings and reviews can do more to boost their credibility than almost any traditional marketing campaign.  

  • Ratings and Reviews Provide More Information

Ratings and reviews provide aspirants with seemingly infinite information that most people perceive to be commercially unbiased. Ratings and reviews give individuals access to a huge amount of information they want and trust from an objective third party that can help them make informed decisions.

Flying High

Analytixlabs institute reviews offer transparent analysis that can help students & aspirants dig deep into their promises & their motives. The reviews posted on behalf of Analytixlabs are scanned under extreme focus to eradicate any chance of misleading content. Reviewers can be contacted via the details posted alongside their content so that students can crosscheck their claims and make informed choices.