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With the increase of users on the internet, technological advancement has become an inevitable part of almost all kinds of business industries. Investment business is one such industry that online platforms have completely changed the face of. People are now more educated about investment than ever before and for many direct mutual funds are the top choice for their investments. In the last few years, several mutual fund investment platforms have emerged and helped people make informed decisions about their mutual fund investments. 

If you are looking for direct mutual fund platforms to invest in, you should do your research on whether the online platforms are safe for you to use. Today, several fintech companies worldwide are offering free or paid direct mutual fund investment platforms, for the general public to choose from. In India, most of these platforms are registered with SEBI making them safe and secured to use. Even though just like any other online platform, these are not 100% safe, your accounts getting hacked and you losing money is highly unlikely. 

Are your investments safe made through direct mutual fund platforms?

In short, yes, the investments you make through direct mutual fund platforms are just as safe as you make investments in a traditional way. Most of the direct mutual fund platforms leverage the best security measures and encryption methods to keep their investor's money safe, so you can invest through any platform without worrying about losing your money to hackers and cybercriminals.

