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Have you applied for a job at Amazon? 

Though you have only one month left for preparation!

Worried about how you will do this in a month?

 If your answer is yes, then this is a must-read guide for you.

There are a lot of candidates who start their preparation for campus recruitment one month before the interview. It is because several companies visit the selected college to hire a potential candidate. 

The recruiter from Amazon conducts interviews at selected colleges and universities to shortlist excellent candidates for their company. However, it is not easy for the students to crack the Amazon campus interview. 

If you want to crack the Amazon campus recruitment interview within a month, then you should keep on reading this guide. 


What is the Amazon Campus Recruitment Process?

The Amazon Campus Recruitment Process is as simple as the other company. Below we have listed the whole recruitment process to make you understand how the candidates are onboarded in the company. 

  • Written Exam

The first round of the Amazon Campus Recruitment Process is the Written Exam. The questions in this round will be based on Aptitude. The students will have to solve them within a limited time. Only those who have scored high marks will qualify for the next round.  

  • Online Coding Round

The Online Coding Round will check if students are capable of solving the different coding problems within a limited time or not. In this round, the students will have to code problems on the coding platforms to get high numbers of test cases passed. Those who have passed this round will have to appear for the technical interview. 

  • Technical Round

In this round, the recruiter will ask the candidate to code the given problems on the document, or the coding platforms which are shared by them. They do this to check how you write code and what approach you follow to solve the given problem. If the recruiter is impressed with you, then you will be selected for the next round. 

  • HR Interview

This round will be taken by the HR personnel. During the interview, the HR will be interested to know about you, your mindset, projects, skills, and experience you got during your college. After this round, you will get your result from the company whether you are getting hired or not. 


However, it is not easy to pass all of this round without preparation. You will have to follow different preparation tips if you want to get selected by the recruiter of Amazon. Below we have listed the tips that will help you to prepare yourself for campus recruitment in a month. 


One-month Preparation Tips For Amazon Campus Recruitment 

Those who are thinking to prepare themselves within a month for Amazon Campus Recruitment should follow the preparation tips that we have mentioned below. 

Week 1

  • For the first week of your preparation, you should start by learning about the interview process that is followed for Amazon Campus Recruitment.
  • Once you are done with the recruitment process, then start with the basics of data structures, algorithms, DBMS, Operating systems, and language skills. Start learning all the concepts of the mentioned topics as the recruiter will ask questions from them. 
  • Begin with the different aptitude questions on a daily basis and try to solve them within a specific time.
  • Start practicing the different coding challenges by visiting different famous websites like Coding Ninja, Geeks For Geeks, HackerRank, etc. 

Week 2

  • For the second week of your preparation, make sure that you have learned the all basics of the DSA, DBMS, Operating System, and Language Skills. Now, you should start revising their concept consistently, so that you can remember it for a long time. 
  • Keep on practicing the Aptitude questions daily. Make sure to give mock tests for it. 
  • Maintain your consistency by solving the different coding challenges. Make sure that you are consistently solving at least two daily coding problems. When you are doing this, try to attempt the popular problems for it. 
  • Start working on improving your communication skills as it will help you a lot during the technical and HR round of interviews. 
  • Revamp your resume and try to add all of your experience, projects, and skills to it. After revamping, make sure to go through the resume and try to build a story regarding it as the recruiter will be asking you questions based on it. 


Week 3 

  • For the third week of your preparation, start finding the mistakes that you are doing often with the aptitude mock tests. 
  • Keep on revising the basic concepts for the topics that we mentioned earlier. 
  • Begin with solving the most asked coding challenges of Amazon. Do it on regular basis to get knowledge about the pattern. 
  • Start reading about the interview experience of different candidates who appeared for Amazon and different companies. You can start with Amazon On Campus Interview Experience, Microsoft Interview Experience, Google Interview Experience, etc.
  • Boost your confidence by giving regular Mock Interviews. Take the feedback from the expert and work on fixing it. 


Week 4

  • For the last week of your preparation, revise the concepts regularly. 
  • Try to solve the aptitude mock questions in less than the required time. Make sure that you are not repeating the same mistakes. 
  • Solve coding problems that are suggested in the Amazon On Campus Interview Experience
  • Start with the practice of the behavioral questions. 
  • Learn from the interview experience that you have read. Try to analyze the pattern of the questions and how the candidate answered them. You can also try to improve the answer by working on it. 
  • Finalize with your mock interviews and aptitude mock test. 
  • Stay consistent with the coding challenges. 
  • Research about the most asked interview questions of Amazon. 
  • It’s time to relax and take a good sleep. Take proper rest before you are going to appear for the interview.


Follow these preparation tips seriously to prepare yourself in a month for the Amazon Campus Recruitment.



Begin your preparation to get ready for the Amazon Campus Recruitment Interview in a month.

The candidates will require a lot of practice to crack the Amazon interview. However, you can do this easily if you start following the tips that we have mentioned.