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Everyone is aware about basis about preparing for an interview- questions to be asked in an interview, about attire, researching about company and so on. But apart from basis there are several candidates who make mistakes at or before the time of interview. Digital marketing is very demanding in the industry and there are plenty of job available for candidates. To get that dream job for yourself, here are some tips to those candidates who are preparing for digital marketing interview. You can learn new trends on Digital Marketing at Digital Marketing Classes in Pune.   



1) Never be afraid to critique the company’s website or social media channel –

Many times the interviewer will ask you about their company website or about any of their social media profile. Here, important is that you need to research about their website and social media profiles, analyze it, make a note of it. The interviewer will also appreciate hearing any suggestion about their company’s online presence.

2) Online presence –

You must be active on social media platforms. Need to be updated or should be creative on your social media platforms. Apart from your personal life, you update a lot of content on social media regarding several topics of your interest because if you can’t market yourself online, then how can your market the company you are working for?

3) Try to know as much as you can about the digital space – 

It is important to know about current trends, algorithms, news about digital marketing. Most of the time interviewer will ask you about latest updates of google, or current social media trend and so on. It is important to read articles which are available on internet about digital marketing.

4) You need to be comfortable with analytics –

Any digital marketing role, there will be a measurement component in it and your interviewer will definitely check about how comfortable are you with analytics and interpreting them. So if you haven’t had an opportunity to work with an analytics, then try to create your own blog or any account which need analytics and start practicing on it. You can even watch certain videos online about analytics and this will help you at the time of your interview.

5) Be prepared with the STAR technique –

Many of the times interviewer will ask behavioral questions to access how candidates handle common situation at the workplace. For that, you need to know about the star method and should be prepared for it.

STAR method is about Situation, Task, Action and Result.

Situation – Describe the situation you were in.

Task – Describe the task you had to do.

Action – Describe the action you took.

Result – Describe the outcome of your action.


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