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To add a book to Google Books, you will need to have an account with Google. Once you have an account, you can follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Google Books website at https://books.google.com/


    1. Click on the “My library” button located in the top-right corner of the page


    1. In the drop-down menu, click on “Add book”


    1. In the “Add a book” window that appears, you can enter the book's title, author, or ISBN in the search box


    1. If the book is available on Google Books, it will appear in the search results. Click on the “Add to library” button next to the book's listing


    1. If the book is not available on Google Books, you can still add it to your library by clicking on the “Create a book” button in the “Add a book” window. Here, you can enter the book's title, author, and other information to create a new entry in your library.

Once you have added a book to your library, you can access it from any device with internet access by signing in to your Google account and going to the Google Books website.


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