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Self-care is a big deal. It’s easy to forget about when you’re balancing a lot on your plate. Going into the New Year is the perfect time to resolve to add more self-care into your life. Maybe you start by adding a peach body scrub to your weekly shower routine. It’s an aromatic experience that gives back to you in many ways. Of course, setting goals can be easier said than done. To help make it a little easier and to provide you with some self-care inspiration, here are a few ways to add self-care back into your day or week, along with a few tips for goal-setting and accountability. Get ready to make 2023 the year of self-care!

Give Yourself a Spa Day Every Day

A spa day every day? Okay, maybe it’s not a full spa day. Instead, it’s about bringing little pieces of the spa experience home to you every day. Think natural bath bombs or a peach body scrub and body butter. It can be as simple as taking a 20-minute bath before bed. Simply drop in an aromatic bath bomb and let it take you on a journey of natural fragrance, bubbles, and relaxation. It takes you out of the everyday and transports you somewhere else for just a few minutes. Keep bath bombs where you’ll see them and where they “get in the way” to remind you to slow down. Again, even if you’re in the tub, immersed in the magic of bath bombs for just 15 to 20 minutes, it can make a difference!

Embrace Moments to Relax and Clear Your Head

When you get a moment to relax and clear your head, permit yourself to take it. These are the moments throughout the day when you can just breathe. Or read. Or listen to a podcast. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is taking a step outside of the context of your day. If it’s a busy day at work, a brain break can be transformative. Another way to get more out of these moments is to pair them with meditation. Try meditation and breathing apps like Calm or Buddhify. These apps can be effective tools to pair with your brain breaks through the day or as you wind down for the evening. And keeping them on your home screen puts them front and center so you remember to use them.

Discover New Ways to Give Back to Yourself

Some people love a mini spa day as they wind down in the evening. They use a bath bomb, and off they go. Others may love a good body scrub a couple of times a week. It’s a great way to exfoliate the skin and leave it nourished and hydrated. Another way to give back to yourself is with a lip scrubber treatment. It brings the love of the body scrub to your lips. It’s a small yet effective way to practice the art of self-care when you don’t have a lot of time. With a lip scrub, you exfoliate your lips with gentle ingredients. And when you follow it up with a lip balm, you give your lips—and yourself—even more TLC. Keep a lip scrub and balm right next to your bathroom sink. When it’s always in sight, it’s easier to remember to give yourself that little joy every day.

About NCLA Beauty

Clean beauty and self-care have never been this delectable! NCLA Beauty is a clean beauty brand that relies on vegan and cruelty-free ingredients in all their products. From their Hey, Sugar Peach Body Scrub to their Bath Treats, a collection of natural bath bombs, they have products made to complement your lifestyle. Enjoy the colors, aromas, and textural sensations that come with their products. Use the refreshing lip scrubber collection to bring out the best in your lips. Or marvel at the astounding colors of their nail polishes. And yes, NCLA Beauty even makes nail polish vegan and cruelty-free! NCLA Beauty is a journey into self-care unlike any other. Treat yourself to the feel-good lineup you can only find from NCLA Beauty.

Find new ways to practice self-care in the New Year at https://nclabeauty.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3FXrwrM

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