1. Finance

How to apply for a personal loan: Everything you need to know

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Are you planning to avail of a personal loan in order to fulfil your personal needs or objectives? Well, to avail of such a facility has become as simple as ordering french fries while sitting at home. Just pick up your internet-enabled smartphone, go to the right application, and you will be more than good to go.

Long gone are the days when people actually used to travel in person to financial institutions to avail themselves of such facilities. It was seriously a day-long task to get hold of such a loan back then. But thanks to the rising popularity and advancements of technology, we are all just a single tap away from such facilities. 

However, first, let’s understand the whole thing about this type of loan and why more and more humans are inclined in the direction of it.

A personal mortgage is a mortgage facility that gives monetary assistance to folks who plan to fulfill their personal demands. 

As consistent with the policies, these loans are totally unsecured, so there's no requirement for collateral. This essentially means that you, as a potential borrower, need no longer put any of your precious property at risk! 

Moreover, as a potential borrower, you are not bound to spend the amount for a particular purpose. You can easily spend it on your dream vacation, purchase the latest smartphone, or even handle any unexpected emergency. 

Top advantages of a personal loan

  • Build Score

When you are on the hunt for such a loan, you’ll get a hard inquiry placed on your credit reports. However, when you use the loan amount as a responsible borrower, it will help you build your credit score

  • Instant Access

There is no need to go anywhere outside your comfort zone. Just download the right application on your smartphone, and you are good to go. The Internet has undoubtedly made our lives easy and convenient. Once you apply digitally, you save a lot of time, money, fuel, and effort. 

  • No Collateral

If you wish to avail such a facility, keep in mind that there is no need to put down any of your valuable assets. Unlike a gold loan, where you have to put your valuable ornaments on stake, an instant personal loan is a much more accessible to avail facility.

  • Minimal paperwork

Don’t even think of comparing these loan applications with the traditional ones. In these digital times, the goal is feasibility and saving our precious paper. Therefore, when you opt for the right platform, you can easily do everything simply via your smartphone from your comfort zone. 

How to apply for a loan?

‘Stashfin’, one of the leading platforms in 2024, offers such a facility easily via the digital route. You can simply download their Personal loan application, which is readily available on both the Android Play Store and the Apple App Store, or you can even explore their website easily. 

  1. Download the app from the Play Store/App Store
  2. Sign up using your mobile number
  3. Add your personal details to check your credit limit
  4. Complete KYC and you are good to go!

One of the top advantages of availing personal loan from Stashfin is zero percent interest rate. This basically means that you have to pay them back the exact amount you borrowed from them initially. However, certain terms and conditions apply. 

Final thoughts

Availability of such a facility is not rocket science in 2024. Digitalisation has undoubtedly changed the entire scenario of borrowing by simply making tasks relatively easy. Moreover, to save you all the hassle of research and development for the best loan, simply go with Stashfin! 



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