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How To Be An Entrepreneur – Advice From A Top Entrepreneur

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How To Be An Entrepreneur

An Entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operate a business or businesses. Are you an Entrepreneur? do you organize or operate a business or local businesses? 

That is the key, what is Entrepreneur, how do you become one.

Answer This Question. (Yes Or No)

1. Do You Run A Business? It does not matter what kind of business it's.

2. Do Run Day To Day Operation of That Business?

3. Do You Have Employees? It doesn't matter

4. Do You Manage Employees? It doesn't matter how many employees you have.

Did Your Answer “Yes”? To any of these questions.

Successful Entrepreneur

Let talk about successful entrepreneurer. 

1. Somebody you probably know is “Steve Jobs” The founder of Apple or co-founder of Apple. He actually sold his first computer to a computer store, before it ever builds.

Image Credit by Google.com

Image credit by wikipedia

That's a success story entrepreneur, somebody that actually find a way to make things happen.

2. Jeff Bezos. Founder of Amazon. He actually created his company by selling books. 

                                                             Image Credit by Google.com

He did it from a garage, he didn't have the fancy office or office building, he started small.

3. Richard Branson. He is the founder of the Virgin Group. And he has multiple fails businesses in his teen. 

Image Credit by Google.com

Each of this Entrepreneur has a different journey, but they have the same destination. And that destination is a success.

How To Become An Entrepreneur

This question is what so many people ask because they want to make the money that entrepreneur make.

They don't want to live paycheque to cheque anymore. 

1. You Have To Have An Idea. The better the idea, the more money you should make.

2. Start A Business. You have to Start somewhere and make sure your business is logit

3. Hire The Right People

4. Improve Every Aspect

5. Manage

If you're fine with having a little popcorn stand on the side of the road, fine, you can make little money and be happy, and your life might be good. But maybe you don't want that, maybe you want that million dollar business that has multiple employees.

Step 1. IDEA

Your idea doesn't matter. You just need to make sure that you have the right idea. Whether you're selling a business to business product, or service, construction, maybe you own a retailer store.

The whole point of being an entrepreneur is being able to make money.

So, how do you going to make the money?

The first thing I recommend is to be better than your competition. That is how you gonna attract a lot of customers.

Step 2. Start A Business

Like I said, you can have that a little popcorn stands on the side road. 

* You can start your business from home

* Maybe you want to have an office build

* Getting A Commercial Space

* Maybe you can only avoid a Storage Unit

The whole point is to start, get a space and create a business plan.

I do not ever start a business without a plan. The reason I want that plan is that I need to know where I'm going.

* Collect Capital for your business. If can run a business without any money.

* Promotion. People need to know, you're open for business, maybe on Facebook or somewhere else.

Step 3. Hire The Right People

Finding the right people takes time. You need to know who to hire and who not to hire.

Things That I Recommend

* Hire base on needs

*  Base on skills set

* Base on Experience

* Base on Cohesiveness

Start small

I like to start any company with 3 people.

The reason I recommend that is because you would see your business grow much faster. Not only it would grow much faster. You can keep an eye on everything around you. Your business as a whole. 

This's very important, and also it provides trust. You trust them, they trust you. That's a key component business, you can't go anywhere without trust.

Step 4. Improve Every Aspect

If you don't make an improvement, your profit would go down and you would lose people, and everything will be difficult.

Find what need improvement, once you find what needs improvement, create another plan. Planning is very important, if you don't plan, you would fail.

Create A Plan

* You need to write down everything that you planning doing, how you can fix, whatever needs fixing.

* What's happening right now

* Why are you struggling, 

* Why is your business is gonna decline

Once you create that plan and make an improvement, you gonna see your business would turn around.

But what those improvements are is up to you, you need to decide those. In some cases, you need to make the tough decisions.

Now, if that means you have to let go one of your key employees, that's what you have to do.

But you need to look over the business as a whole. Is this what best for the business. Is this what's gonna turn the business around. 

As an Entrepreneur, you want to see your income always go up, If it ever turn and it goes down, you need to know why.

Step 5. Manage That Business

You want to take yourself out of the day to day operation, I say this because you don't want to always be there. You don't want the company to rely on just you.

For my own business, I run most of it from my own computer and my cell phone. Because I like to be mobile

Like I say, take yourself out of day to day operation.The sooner you can do this, the more you will be able to grow your company.

I know a lot of people think it's scary, but I can guaranty you that if you're looking on it from the outside in, you would able to see what is happening, and you would be able to avoid those and make your business grow.

This is what I mean.

DO And Don't

* Hire department managers

* Don't hire non-self-starters, that you have to manage day and day out

* Offer Bonuses

* Don't pay Hourly, especially in the beginning.

* Weekly meetings are soo important

* Don't ever Operate your business under a blind eye

* Research any growth opportunity

* Settle. You want your business to grow, don't settle for your business being where it's.

* Learn to Adapt as things change. That is very important in business.

* Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Mistake happen all the time, but you can't be afraid to make those mistake.

In other to be an entrepreneur, the first thing you have to do is to come up with the idea.

What you gonna do to make money. What kind of business you want to do.

There is a hard part of starting a business and making money.

I just want to throw out some idea, so that you can start any type of business you want.

Some of this idea would make you more money than others

Some would be easier to do than others

Some might be something that you like

Others might be something that you don't want to do

Here Are The Idea

* eBay

* Consulting

* House Cleaning

* Retail Store

* Construction Company

* Car Dealership

* Photographer

* Freelance Writing

* Carpet Cleaner

* House Painter

* Insurance Agent

* Daycare Provider

* Real Estate

* Amazon Seller

* Mechanic

* Lawn Care

* Software Developer

* Affiliate Marketer

* Fitness Trainer

* Blogger

* Youtuber

* App Developer

To be an entrepreneur, you have to have a business, that's one thing you can't live without. If you have that business, I guaranty you, you can find a way to scale that business.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you learn something from it.  


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