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Alt texts are images which will be visible when the image on your store’s product page is not loaded. The alt text can help you in increasing the page speed of your store. Without them, a page takes a long time to load, which will affect your store’s ranking on SERPs. The search engines always take into account the page loading speed while ranking the search results. The more you can speed up your site, the better your rankings.

But the question may arise, how would you update the alt text for each image of every product when you are selling hundreds or even thousands of products on Shopify. Manual addition of alt texts will take days.

Don’t worry, we are here with a solution.  There are many ways to bulk update your image Alt texts in Shopify. In this blog, we will look at one of the most popular ways of doing so, i.e, by using an App.

But first let’s understand what these Alt texts are and why you must optimize them properly.

Image Alt Texts and Their Significance

Image alt texts are the alt attribute texts that are used for images that are present in web pages. Alt texts are used by screen reader users and by search engines to understand the purpose of the image. Alt texts can also be used by search engines as keywords for relevant image search. Image alt texts should also be used to describe the image as well as describing the context in which the image is presented.


You may have heard of Google image search, but did you know that if you search Google for a file, it could be using the alt text of the image in your SERPs.

Image alt tags are also important for social media sharing and other compelling reasons. Alt tags are required on almost all images. The HTML code for an image alt tag would look like this: <img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Image Alt Text”>.

Image alt attributes are a powerful tool in the hands of a search engine optimization (SEO) expert. A well-placed image alt text can improve your site’s ranking and make the process of optimising your website a whole lot easier.

Alt texts are also important because they can increase your click-through rate, especially if your website uses images as navigational aids. Alt texts can be used to describe images that are not visible on the screen and give a short summary of the image’s content.

How to Bulk Update Image Alt Texts in Shopify

Now that you have understood the significance of updating image alt texts, let’s see how you can update them in bulk if you have hundreds of listed products in Shopify.

The manual addition of image alt texts is very simple. All you have to do is to login to your admin panel and click on Products >> All products and  click on the product you need to optimize the Alt text for. Here, Under the Media, click on the image and at the right, you will see the Add Alt Text option. Hit this option and you can put a relevant and SEO-friendly alt text here.

The Bulk addition method involves the use of an app named SEO King. You can easily find this app on Shopify App store. Follow the below steps to install this app and bulk update the alt texts.

  • Go to Apps >> Customize Your Store  
  • In the search bar of the app store, search for SEO King  
  • Install and open the app

There are a lot of SEO tasks that you can do with utmost simplicity with this app. However, at this point, we will discuss only how you can optimize alt texts using this app.

  • Go to Alt Texts section
  • Here, you have to select the Max characters to 140 as some of the products might have big names due to which the alt text may exceed the character limit and hence, not be applied. 
  • You can select Overwrite existing alt texts if the alt texts are already updated and you just need to change them. 
  • Now, you have to select a desired template according to which the alt text  for each of your products’ images will be updated. 
  • You can select any combination of attributes such as Product title + Collection or Product title | Custom Keyword 1 etc.
  • To add the custom keyword, Go to the Account settings and put your Custom keyword in the corresponding field.

(Note that the keyword you put in here will be applied in the alt texts of all the products. So you must choose a keyword that fits with all the products.)

  • Once done, head back to the Alt Texts section and click on Update All Products
  • All your Products will be updated accordingly.

Bonus Point

E-commerce is on the rise, and Shopify is no exception. In this digital era, one can essentially attain all of his financial ambitions and make a fortune selling online on Shopify. You may find several examples of people who have made a fortune selling high-quality products on Shopify by searching for “Shopify millionaires” on Google.

We can help you set up your Shopify store and start your own e-commerce business. Parkhya IT Solutions is an expert in Shopify development with years of experience and expertise. Our Shopify experts are experts at customising Shopify stores to meet the needs of a variety of businesses.

Sign up for a 14-day free trial of Shopify right now. 

If you require any assistance, please contact us through email at mail@parkhya.com or by phone at 9425350689. 

Thank you very much!!!