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Step 1. Open your web browser and navigate to tv.youtube.com, and then log into your YouTube TV account. Your YouTube TV home screen will be displayed.
Step 2. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu is displayed. Click “Settings” in the drop-down menu. The Settings window appears.
Step 3. Click “Billing” in the menu on the left side of the Settings window. Billing options appear on the right side of the window.
Step 4. Click “Update” to the right of your current payment method. A Subscriptions and Services screen appears.
Step 5. Click “Manage” at the bottom of the box associated with YouTube TV. You'll be taken to a YouTube TV subscription screen.
Step 6. Click “Change Payment Method” beneath How You Pay. An Update Primary Payment Method window appears.
Step 7. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of your current payment method. A drop-down menu appears that lists any other credit or debit cards associated with your Google Pay account. Alternatively, if there are no other cards associated with your Google Pay account, you can add a new credit or debit card. In this example, I'll select “Add credit or debit card.” The Add Credit or Debit Card window appears.
Step 8. Enter the credit card information associated with the credit or debit card you want to charge your YouTube TV billing to, and then click “Submit.” You'll be routed back to the YouTube TV subscription screen, where you'll see the card you just set up listed as the payment method in the How You Pay section. It may take a day before you see this change reflected in the billing part of the YouTube TV website.


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