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The elf bar can be charged using a USB port on a computer or by connecting it to an adapter that provides power. The green LED will turn on when charging begins, and the red LED will turn off when charging is complete. Charging time varies depending on how depleted your battery is from use. It takes approximately 3 hours to fully charge an empty battery using a USB port on a computer or an adapter that provides power.

Disconnect the device from the power supply.

The first step is to disconnect your device from the power supply. To do this, unplug it from its charger and remove the battery if applicable. Next, turn off your device completely by pressing and holding down on its power button for several seconds until it shuts down completely (if applicable).

Now that your Elf Bar is no longer connected to any power source or battery, you can begin cleaning its exterior surface with a soft cloth or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol solution–one part water: two parts alcohol works well here–and wipe away any dirt or grime that may have collected during use over time

Connect the USB cable to a power supply and then connect the other end of the cable to your device.

  • Make sure that the device is off before you connect it to a power supply.
  • Connect one end of the USB cable to your device, and then connect the other end of the cable to your power supply or computer's USB port.
  • If your device is connected to a computer, turn on its screen and wait for at least 3 hours (or until its battery meter shows full charge).
  • If you're charging with an adapter, make sure that it's plugged into an outlet before beginning charging

Charge for at least 3 hours before using battery.

The Elf Bar BC5000 can be charged using a USB port on a computer or by connecting it to an adapter that provides power. The battery will charge faster if the device is turned off.

The elf bar can be charged using a USB port on a computer or by connecting it to an adapter that provides power

The elf bar can be charged using a USB port on a computer or by connecting it to an adapter that provides power.

The main thing you need to know about charging your elf bar is that it's a portable device, so you can use any of the following methods:

  • A USB port on your computer (or laptop)
  • An adapter with a USB port


The elf bar bc5000 can be charged using a USB port on a computer or by connecting it to an adapter that provides power. The device comes with an AC adapter and cable for charging, but if you don't have access to one then it can be charged using any USB port on your computer or other external power source like a wall outlet.