1. Business

How to Choose the Best Public Cloud Provider for Your Business

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There are many issues that need to be addressed while choosing a Public Cloud Provider. The main challenge not just resides in securing the public cloud but in verifying the safety policies, protection of specific technologies, control and also to see how to regulate it effectively. In almost all the instances it has been seen that a typical user is the main culprit and responsible for low success rate rather than cloud provider. Here are some common points that need to be addressed when you're going to select the most suitable option for you.

It is a must for you to study about the various safety features provided by a public cloud provider, as it will be a vital factor for you in the future. The very first thing you need to see is the availability of various security features and their scope in different plans offered by any company. Depending upon the kind of work you're doing, you can choose the type of security best suited to your work. It will help you to have full control over your business in various ways, as you will be able to make the final decision regarding the security of the data.

You also need to focus on the availability of different kinds of disaster recovery plans. The moment you're putting all your data in any external cloud service provider you cannot be sure of its safety. This is the reason why it is highly recommended to make a good and thorough search about the topic before making any final decision. The availability of any disaster recovery plan is an absolute requirement from the point of view of maintaining the smooth-sailing business operations. It's not easy to put your data in any other place, unless you have a backup plan to take care of your important data.

Security is another factor that has to be taken care of. There are two main options for public cloud providers, these are the subscription-based models and the managed access control. With subscription-based model you will have to pay monthly or yearly fees to the cloud provider, however with managed access control; you will be able to have direct access to all the resources irrespective of the number of users accessing them. While considering the options of security assurance, it is very important to check if the service provider has any security breaches that have harmed the customers in the past.

It is also important to compare the costs involved in each of these types of public clouds. Some of these clouds are quite expensive when compared to others, but this should not put you off, if you are planning to start a new business then you should definitely look for a low cost model. Moreover, there are several companies that provide low cost models as well as many that offer the services at zero cost. These public clouds can also help you save on the deployment costs. Since the virtual infrastructure is housed in a private cloud environment you will not need to worry about the maintenance costs and they will be handled by the respective service provider.

However, if you want to have more control over the resources and you require some customizations then you should definitely look for a managed public cloud service provider. These providers offer you complete customization options and they do all the managing and deployment work for you. The most important thing to consider before selecting a provider is to make sure that they can provide you with the resources you need for your application. Another thing that you should take into consideration is that you do not have any problems with the compatibility as most of these providers are compatible with all major operating systems.


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