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You are done with your B. Tech. from a prestigious college in India with an above-average score. Now what? Now is the time to consider pursuing your masters in the field of your choice. Today, the importance of B. Tech is as good as any graduate from a recognised university. You have to be either at the top of your class or give yourself more time to polish your skills even further and be a better workforce than a regular B. Tech. graduate. 

Why Masters is better

It is a universal fact that becoming a master of something is better than remaining a knowledge vessel of something. And the same goes for the engineering degree. A normal B. Tech graduate gets a package of somewhere between 5 to 8 lakhs, whereas an engineering aspirant with a postgraduate degree can land a job with as much as six figures a month. All it takes is the best Mtech college in India. Just look for the right one, keeping certain criteria in mind. 

Your M. Tech. college must-haves

There are a few things that make the reputation of an institution or organisation, stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Here is a list of a few such benchmarks that you must keep in mind.

1. Affiliation

This criteria tops the list. You just cannot get into any XYZ college just because they are offering the course of your choice. You also have to consider the university it is affiliated with and the credibility of that university plays a crucial role in assisting you land a good job. if your university doesn’t come under the approved universities list that your potential employer is referring to, then there’s a problem. 

2. Curriculum

Make sure that the university offers a curriculum that is up to date with ongoing changes in the industry at the moment. You must know that even the top b tech college in Uttarakhand is affiliated with a recognised university. So finding the right college for your M. Tech. is not going to be a tough task. The difficulty at hand is knowing whether their syllabus is in line with the trends or not.

3. Lab & Tech

You must be aware that having the relevant laboratory in your college is of the utmost importance. Similarly, having that lab equipped with the ideal technology is also important. The latest the tools and technology, the better grasp you are going to have over the techniques and industry as a whole. Because other than having a theoretical knowledge of the subject matter, having a hands-on experience with the practical approach goes a long way. 

4. Placement

As the hiring company or your potential employer only want to hire the cream of the industry, it is totally your call to belong to that sect. but on the other hand, it is your college’s responsibility to avail you of such resources when the need arises. Simply means the job opportunities. So make sure that your chosen college has an impeccable placement record that is at par with the industry. 

5. Ratio

The student-teacher ratio has to be not just relevant but also make sense. For example, having one teacher for every 60 students seems normal for even good colleges for btech. But that doesn’t mean M. Tech. aspirants have to go through the same grilling sessions.  It has to be at a satisfactory level where students don’t hesitate to clear any doubt beforehand.


In addition to the abovementioned pointers, you can also pay attention to details varying from student exchange programs and overall facilities to academic support and research activities. Now go and have a good filtering process.