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If you're expecting a new addition to your family, you may be considering hiring a maternity photographer to capture this special time in your life. But how do you choose the finest one?  Here are some queries to ask and things to think about hiring maternity photographer:

Questions to ask while hiring a maternity photographer:

– How many years of experience do you have as a maternity photographer?

– Can I view samples of your prior work?-

– What is included in your packages (e.g., number of photos, retouching, digital files)?

– Do you offer any props or wardrobe options for the shoot?

– Where will the shoot take place? Do you have a studio or can we choose an outdoor location?

– Can my partner and/or other children join in on the shoot?

What to take into account when selecting a maternity photographer:

– Style: 

Seek out a photographer whose aesthetic aligns with the photographs you have in mind. 

– Personality: Because you'll be working with your photographer for a number of hours, it's crucial that you get along with them.  Look for someone who is friendly, patient, and easy to communicate with.

– Portfolio: Ask to see the photographer's portfolio. Evaluate their past work to determine if it is consistent with your goals.

– Cost: Maternity photographs might cost anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand money.  Determine your budget beforehand and find a photographer whose prices fall within that range.

– Timing: Maternity photos are typically taken between 28-36 weeks of pregnancy when the belly is most prominent. Make sure the photographer's availability aligns with this timeframe.

– Availability: When is the photographer available? Will they be able to accommodate your due date?

– Reviews: Look at the photographer's website or social media profiles to see what prior clients have to say. This can give insight into their professionalism, responsiveness, and overall experience.

By asking these questions and considering these factors, you'll be able to find the right photographer. If looking for one in San Francisco then Heena – a bay area maternity photographer is your best option as she takes care of all the above details.


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