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In the current marketplace, technology solutions for businesses are varied and often overwhelming. General industry products are offered alongside custom solutions, and the solutions themselves can overshadow the pressures of implementation and maintenance. Commonly accepted business best practices can feel uncomfortably “one-size-fits-all” when truly, your unique endeavor can only corner a niche market if it stands out from the crowd. In a shifting landscape, the process of evaluating tech solutions can feel daunting, but having a strategy for evaluating, implementing, and analyzing your technology solutions can mean the difference between introducing tech solutions that streamline your team’s workflow, rather than buying into flashy products that bring it to a grinding halt.

For a more effective (and less stressful) approach, read on for a few quick, helpful tips on creating a technology solutions business plan that works for your team.


Plan Like a Vintner

Any successful winemaker will tell you that they don’t plan ahead for one growing season; they plan ahead for five. Reading the emerging industry landscape means knowing the factors that will alter the needs of your clients, employees, and investors and being proactive in anticipating those dynamic needs. Whereas rainfall and soil determine the irrigation techniques that the vintner employs, your strategy when choosing technology solutions for businesses should be pliable and sustainable enough to help you meet the challenges of growing to scale and diversifying your revenue streams.


Do a Background Check

Does the technology come from a start-up with solid financials? Does the company have a strong track record of customer support and user-friendly software updates? Many a business has jumped onto the unproven CRM bandwagon or installed a flashy new point-of-sale system only to find a workflow in disarray when those systems are no longer supported (or when the providers fold for want of a solid technology solutions business plan themselves). Think of any tech company as a potential business partner, and be sure you know as much about their product specs as you do about their client ratings.


Perform a Stress Test

Death, taxes, and at least one crisis per fiscal year: it's a basic rule of business to hope for the best and plan for the worst. Mitigating unknowns, especially with the technology solutions for businesses your team relies on, means one less headache when captaining the ship through a market storm. When building a technology solutions business plan, be sure to evaluate those technologies through the lens of less-than-optimal conditions.


Plan for Sustainable Growth

The best plans much like the best technologies) aren’t only strong; they’re also adaptable. When shopping for technology solutions for businesses, make sustainable growth a top priority. Plan for at least five years of change, and be sure to game out how that business technology will support your company’s evolution over time. Technology that prioritizes custom solutions, and that can be adapted and maintained without constant and expensive product support, is essential. 


Discover the Right Solutions for Your Business 

The best technology solutions for businesses combine customization and performance. When shopping for technology solutions for businesses, go with solutions that help business leaders create the technology solutions business plan that works for them.