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Cleaning cat urine from carpets can be a frustrating task, but it doesn't have to be an impossible one. With the right supplies and techniques, you can get pesky cat pee stains and smells out of your carpets for good. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through a step-by-step process for removing cat urine odors and stains from carpets.

How to Clean Cat Pee from Carpet

Cat urine can be one of the toughest stains to remove from carpets. The high acid content breaks down carpet fibers, leading to stubborn odors and unsightly stains. Thankfully, there are ways to combat cat pee with common household products.

The most important step is to act quickly when discovering the soiled area. The longer the urine sits, the harder it will be to remove the smell and stain. Blotting fresh stains right away will make the cleaning process much easier.

Supplies You Will Need

Before tackling cat urine stains, assemble the following supplies:

  1. Paper towels
  2. An [enzyme cleaner] or [enzymatic cleaner] formulated to eliminate pet odors
  3. White distilled vinegar
  4. [Baking soda]
  5. Rubber gloves
  6. An empty [spray bottle]
  7. Cold water

Gather all these before you get started cleaning for the best results. You may also want to purchase a [carpet cleaner] machine to use after pre-treating the affected area.

Step 1: Blot up the Urine

First, blot up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels. Avoid rubbing the area, which can spread the urine deeper into the carpet fibers.

Gently press paper towels onto the [affected area] to absorb fresh stains. Use new paper towels until no more liquid transfers onto the towels.

For [dried urine stains], moisten the area with cool water first, then blot up the liquid. This process helps lift odors and stains from below carpet fibers.

Step 2: Apply an Enzymatic Cleaner

Next, apply an [enzymatic cleaner] made specifically to eliminate [cat urine smell] and stains. These cleaners use active enzymes that break down the components of urine that cause lingering odors.

Spray or pour the enzymatic cleaner directly onto the soiled area following the product’s directions. Make sure you thoroughly soak the carpet fibers under where the [cat pee smell] is coming from.

Let the cleaner dwell for 5-10 minutes so the enzymes can work to remove [cat urine stains].

Step 3: Rinse Vinegar Solution Over the Area

In a [spray bottle], mix:

  • 1 part white vinegar
  • 1 part cold water
  • Spray this solution generously over the area you pretreated with the enzymatic cleaner. Distilled white vinegar helps neutralize odors and further removes traces of cat urine that cleaners may have missed.

Step 4: Sprinkle the Carpet with Baking Soda

While the carpet is still damp from the vinegar solution, coat the area thoroughly with [baking soda]. The baking soda will absorb and soak up any remaining moisture and odors trapped down below carpet fibers.

Use an ample amount of baking soda here—the more the better for maximum odor elimination. Work the baking soda down into fibers with your gloved hands.

Let the baking soda sit for 8-12 hours or ideally overnight to neutralize odors. The longer baking soda has to work, the fewer traces of [cat urine smell] will linger.

Step 5: Vacuum up the Baking Soda

The next day, vacuum up the baking soda out of the carpet. You should notice a big improvement in the odor already.
Run the vacuum back and forth a few times over the area to lift any leftover baking soda out from the depths of the carpet fibers.

Tip: Empty the vacuum immediately afterward and take outside so smells don’t transfer into vacuum contents.

Step 6 (Optional): Clean the Area with a Carpet Cleaner

If any subtle hints of [cat urine stains] or odors remain, use a deep cleaning [carpet cleaner] machine to extract all traces. Carpet cleaner machines have strong suction that pulls lingering odors, stains, and residue up and out.

Follow your machine’s directions closely. Clean the area until the water runs clear—this means all leftover cleaner and urine buildup has lifted out.

Lastly, lay clean, dry towels over the area while the carpets are completely dry. Walking on damp carpets can lead to mildew and further trapping of urine smells. Allow the carpeting to [dry completely] before walking over it.

Preventing Future Cat Urine Stains

The most effective way to keep cat urine stains and odors out of carpets is through prevention. Take the following actions to discourage repeat incidents:

  • Scoop litter boxes twice per day
  • Replace litter box lining frequently
  • Deep clean litter boxes regularly with mild soap and hot water
  • Avoid litter box liners that trap odors—stick to bare plastic boxes
  • Use one more litter box than the number of cats in a home
    Give cats separate territories if you have multiple
  • Take cats to the vet to check for medical issues causing inappropriate urination
  • Clean soiled areas immediately upon discovery

Staying proactive with litter box maintenance cuts down incidents of cats peeing outside the box. Combined with immediate [clean up cat urine] as it happens, you can keep carpets fresh and damage-free. The sooner you can treat accidents with an enzymatic cleaner, vinegar, and baking soda, the easier stains will be to remove from carpets and padding beneath.

The Takeaway

Cat urine can permanently stain carpet fibers and backing when left to sit. With a little elbow grease and the right cleaning products, pet parents can lift both stains and unpleasant smells. To recap, blot fresh stains ASAP, apply an enzymatic cleaner, rinse with vinegar, coat with baking soda, let sit, vacuum up, and steam clean if odors linger.

Implement preventative litter box maintenance to curb future carpet stains. Repeat these steps each time the kitty has an accident for clean, odor-free carpets.


Getting cat urine out of carpets takes a bit of work, but it's possible with the right techniques. By using absorbent materials like paper towels and baking soda, odor-fighting products like enzymatic cleaners and vinegar, and the power of carpet cleaner machines, you can completely remove cat pee stains and smells from carpets.

Stay diligent with litter box maintenance to keep new stains from forming. When accidents do happen, clean them up right away with this effective process. With some elbow grease and the proper supplies, you can keep your carpets fresh and your cats happy. Implementing these urine removal and prevention steps can help keep cat pee from ruining your carpets.