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How to Clean Outdoor Rugs with a Pressure Washer: Dos and Don’ts

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Outdoor rugs are a stylish addition to any patio or deck, but they can quickly become dirty due to exposure to the elements. One of the most efficient ways to clean them is with a pressure washer. However, using a pressure washer requires some precautions to ensure you don’t damage your rug. Here’s a guide on the dos and don’ts of cleaning outdoor rugs with a pressure washer. For high-quality outdoor rugs, be sure to check out American Home Furniture.


  1. Do Check the Manufacturer's Instructions

    • Before using a pressure washer, check the rug’s care instructions. Some rugs may have specific cleaning guidelines that could affect your approach.
  2. Do Use a Low-Pressure Setting

    • Start with a low-pressure setting on your pressure washer to avoid damaging the fibers of the rug. You can increase the pressure slightly if necessary, but always start low.
  3. Do Use the Correct Nozzle

    • Use a nozzle that provides a wide spray pattern, such as a 25-degree or 40-degree nozzle. This helps distribute the water pressure evenly across the rug.
  4. Do Pre-Treat Stains

    • Before pressure washing, pre-treat any noticeable stains with a mixture of mild soap and water. Let it sit for a few minutes to loosen the dirt.
  5. Do Secure the Rug

    • Lay the rug flat on a hard surface like a driveway or patio and secure it with weights or heavy objects to prevent it from moving around during cleaning.
  6. Do Rinse Both Sides

    • Flip the rug and rinse both sides to ensure all dirt and detergent are removed. This also helps prevent mold and mildew.
  7. Do Let the Rug Dry Completely

    • After washing, let the rug dry completely in a sunny, well-ventilated area. This prevents mold growth and keeps the rug fresh.


  1. Don’t Use High Pressure

    • Avoid using high pressure as it can damage the rug fibers and backing. High pressure can also force water deep into the rug, leading to mold and mildew.
  2. Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

    • Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals that can weaken the fibers and cause discoloration. Stick to mild detergents or natural cleaners.
  3. Don’t Hold the Nozzle Too Close

    • Keep the pressure washer nozzle at least 12-18 inches away from the rug to prevent damage. Holding the nozzle too close can tear the fibers or backing.
  4. Don’t Forget to Test a Small Area

    • Before cleaning the entire rug, test the pressure washer on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t damage the material.
  5. Don’t Ignore Weather Conditions

    • Avoid pressure washing your rug in cold or wet weather. The rug needs sufficient time and warmth to dry completely.
  6. Don’t Over-Wet the Rug

    • Be mindful not to soak the rug excessively. Over-wetting can make it difficult for the rug to dry thoroughly, leading to mold growth.
  7. Don’t Skip Regular Maintenance

    • Regularly shake out or vacuum your rug to prevent dirt build-up. Pressure washing should be a part of your deep cleaning routine, not a substitute for regular maintenance.

Step-by-Step Guide to Pressure Washing Your Outdoor Rug

  1. Preparation

    • Remove loose dirt and debris from the rug by shaking it out or vacuuming both sides.
  2. Set Up the Pressure Washer

    • Connect your pressure washer to a water source and attach a wide-angle nozzle (25 or 40 degrees). Set the washer to a low-pressure setting.
  3. Pre-Treat Stains

    • Mix mild detergent with water and apply it to stained areas. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Pressure Wash

    • Starting from one end of the rug, use a sweeping motion to clean the rug. Maintain a distance of 12-18 inches between the nozzle and the rug. Clean both sides thoroughly.
  5. Rinse

    • Ensure all soap and dirt are rinsed out by spraying the rug with clean water from the pressure washer.
  6. Dry

    • Lay the rug flat in a sunny, well-ventilated area to dry. Flip it periodically to ensure both sides dry completely.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can effectively clean your outdoor rugs with a pressure washer without causing any damage. This method is quick, efficient, and can make your rugs look as good as new.

For a wide selection of durable and stylish outdoor rugs, visit American Home Furniture. Their high-quality rugs are designed to withstand the elements while adding a touch of elegance to your outdoor space. Happy cleaning!