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During winter, homeowners have to use their heating system throughout the day. But when you use the heating system all day long, it increases the energy consumption. Besides, it creates a load on the system, which results in wear and tear. That’s why, while using the heating unit, you’ll have to ensure that you conserve as much heat as possible.

4 Ways to Conserve More Heat in Winter

1. Insulate Your Home

Even a small crack in your house is enough for outside cold air to sneak in your house and make your HVAC unit work longer. And when you have multiple cracks and leaks in your home, outside cold air will start entering your space in the volume. Besides, the produced hot air will move outside through these cracks. Thus, the purpose of installing a heating unit will go in vain.

Moreover, when the outside cold air enters your house, it creates an additional load on your heating system, which leads to wear and tear. And if this situation continues for months, the other parts of the HVAC system will have wear and tear too, which eventually will lead to expensive heating repairs.

Usually, cracks and leaks can be found on the edges of the windows and doors. Before the start of the winter, do a thorough inspection of these areas and as soon as you find any leaks or cracks, seal them correctly.

For sealing the cracks, contact your nearby HVAC experts to seal the cracks in your home.

2. Lower the Thermostat

Apart from insulating your home, you can save energy and conserve more heat by lowering your HVAC thermostat. When you lower your thermostat, it decreases the load from your heating unit. As a result, your heating unit will be able to generate heat efficiently when you need it the most.

Before sleeping, it’s advised to lower the thermostat setting by eight to ten degrees. As you’ll be under the blanket during sleep, you won’t need high-temperature settings. So, even when you lower the temperature by 10 degrees, you won’t notice much difference in your comfort. Moreover, when you lower the temperature a bit, it helps you have a good night’s sleep.

It’s estimated that by lowering the thermostat setting at night, you can save up to 10% of the total energy bills and make your unit produce heat more efficiently.

3. Make Use of the Curtains Strategically

If you can use the curtains strategically, it can help you conserve more heat in winter and reduce the load from your HVAC unit.

For this, you’ll have to open the curtains during the daytime. When you keep the curtains open during the day, your home will be exposed to sunlight, and your home will become warm. Thus, you won’t have to rely much on your HVAC unit for heating, which will eventually help you to reduce energy costs.

Again, at night, you’ll have to close the curtains. Because glass doors and windows are a way of heat escaping. But when you cover the glass doors and windows with curtains, heat cannot escape from your home. Thus, your home will remain warm throughout the day and night, and there will be less load on your heating system.

4. Use Humidifiers

During winter, the air becomes dry, which makes the environment colder. Also, when the air is dry, you start to have several skin issues and itchiness. However, you can solve these by installing a humidifier. But how does installing a humidifier make the house warmer?

It’s found that oxygen uses vapor or moisture to transport heat. But as I said earlier, during winter, the air becomes dry, which means a lack of moisture in the air. As a result, oxygen cannot carry enough heat, making the house colder.

But when you have a humidifier, it’ll continuously add moisture to the air. As a result, oxygen will be able to carry more heat and make your house warmer. Besides, by installing a humidifier, there will be stability in the humidity level, which will help you eliminate dry skin issues and itchiness.
