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Some of you may not be aware that natural stones like marble can resist heat. Since the natural stone is formed under extreme heat and pressure conditions under the earth's surface, these are resistant to hot objects like hot pots and pans.

It means the gorgeous Carrara marble worktop is also resistant to heat. Even if you put it in your bathroom as a countertop, modern tools won't cause any damage to its surface.

However, it would help if you still were careful while placing hot utensils or styling tools on its surface, as this natural stone has certain limitations, such as:

Possibility of Discoloration:

While your Carrara marble countertop can bear the impact of the hot pan, it may get discoloured and form a yellowish hue when it comes in contact with extreme heat.

Cracking Due to Thermal Shock:

Although the high-quality Carrara marble worktop can withstand extreme heat well, some low-grade marble worktops may crack due to thermal shock when they come in contact with high heat. Hence, these worktops damage permanently.

How to Prevent Marble Worktops from Heat and Other Damages?

The most convenient way to prevent your marble countertop from heat damage is to avoid placing any hot utensil like pot or pan coming directly from oven or stove onto its surface. It might be hard to remember if you're in the habit of doing so. But try using some protective covering whenever working with hot pots or pans. Even a cutting board or tray could help you to protect marble slabs from damage.

Cooks may even let their hot pots or pans cool down a little before placing them onto a marble surface. Just let them stay on a stove for a few minutes before putting on the marble countertop.

Also, remember to immediately remove any burn marks or black stains from the marble surface to avoid any damage. Some electric stoves may leave black spots on the pan's or pot's bottom. So, it is a good idea to wipe them off if something has boiled or spilt over. Plus, always try to grab a placemat or trivet before placing hot utensils on the countertop.

Don't worry if your marble worktop has already been damaged by heat, as it can still be restored to its authentic look. It can be achieved by using restoring pastes or liquids. There are specific solutions and creams for polishing marble worktops and to get rid of marks and stains. Such products are useful for homeowners with damaged marble worktop.

While most burn marks from hot pots or pans are easy to remove with cleaning solutions and creams, it's hard to clean deep burn marks. In that case, it's essential to consult a professional worktop manufacturer to give you the best solution.


A marble worktop is a heat-resistant material. But it's recommended to use suitable placemats, hot pads or trivets before placing hot utensils on its surface. This way, you can easily avoid any potential damage to this natural stone. Even burn creams and solutions are available in the market to restore already damaged marble worktops. But if nothing works, it's best to contact a marble worktop manufacturer to take care of any damage that seems impossible to DIY.

With the right care, it is possible to prevent your gorgeous Carrara marble worktop from any damage while making it last longer.


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