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It is no secret that the healthcare landscape is changing. Patients are now more informed than ever before and are demanding a higher level of care. In order to meet these demands, general practices in Australia must shift their focus from volume to value. This means creating a patient-centred medical practice. According to practice management consultants, by being focussed on those who need care, medical practices can improve the quality of care they provide while also reducing costs.


What is patient centred care and why is it important?

This type of care is a way of delivering healthcare that puts the patient at the centre. It is about treating them as individuals and ensuring that their needs are met. This can be done by involving them in decisions about their care, listening to them and addressing their concerns, and providing them with information they need to make informed choices.


Patient-centred care is important because it results in better health outcomes for them. It also helps to improve satisfaction levels among everyone involved, and reduces costs. In fact, studies have shown that such practices can save up to 30% on healthcare costs.


How do you create a patient centred medical practice in your own office or clinic?

There are many ways that a GP clinic business can become more patient-centric. One way is to involve them in decisions about their care. This can be done by asking them what they would like to achieve from their visit, and then working with them to develop a treatment plan that meets their needs. It is also important to listen to them and address their concerns. This can help to build trust and ensure that they feel comfortable discussing sensitive issues with their doctor.


Another way is by providing them with information they need to make informed choices about their care. This includes providing clear explanations of diagnoses, treatments, and side effects, as well as outlining all costs associated with treatment. It is also important to provide them with information about their rights and responsibilities.


Other ways to create a patient-centred clinic includes:

  • Having a separate waiting area for them.
  • Offering flexible appointment times.
  • Having an open-door policy so that they can speak to their doctor any time they have a question or concern.


What are the benefits of providing patient centred care to all those involved?

There are many benefits to focussing on your patients and their care. When you focus on them, it means that you are putting their needs first. This can result in many benefits for both them and your staff.


Some of the benefits to patients include:

  • They feel like they are a priority and their needs matter.
  • They have more control over their care and treatment decisions.
  • They feel supported and understood by their doctor and medical team.
  • They feel confident that they are getting the best possible care.


Some of the benefits to staff include:

  • They feel like they are making a difference in people’s lives.
  • They enjoy working in an environment where they feel supported.
  • It creates a positive work culture where team work is encouraged.


Some of the benefits to GP owners include:

  • They see an increase in patient satisfaction and loyalty.
  • They have a better reputation which leads to more people wanting to register with the practice.
  • They find it easier to attract and retain high quality staff.


It is important to remember that being patient-centred does not happen overnight; it takes time, effort and commitment from everyone involved. However, the rewards are definitely worth it.


How can you measure the success of your patient centred care initiative over time and make necessary adjustments along the way?

One of the best ways in which to measure the success of your initiative is to ask patients themselves how they feel about their experience. This can be done through surveys or interviews, for example. It is also important to track the outcomes of care; for example, whether those who come to you for services are recovering more quickly or requiring fewer hospital visits.


If you find that your care initiative is not as successful as you would like it to be, don’t worry! There are many ways in which you can adjust and improve your approach. For example, you could focus on training staff members in better communication techniques, or improving the way that information is shared between different departments. The most important thing is to keep trying and never give up on your goal of providing truly patient-focussed services at your clinic.


There are many ways to make your medical practice more patient-centred. Here are a few ideas:

  • Put yourself in their shoes and think about what would make their experience better.
  • Ask them for feedback and suggestions on how you can improve.
  • Train your staff on the importance of being patient-centred in their interactions with people who come to the practice.
  • Lead by example and create an environment where everyone is treated with respect.


Creating a patient-centred medical practice is important because it helps ensure that patients are at the centre of their care. This in turn leads to better health outcomes and happier people. Implementing these changes may take some effort, but the benefits are well worth it.