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When it comes to running a business, understanding your finances is key. A personal financial statement can help you get a handle on where you are financially and what direction your business needs to go in. Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the business for years, having an up-to-date financial statement will be an invaluable tool for your success.

What Is a Personal Financial Statement?

A personal financial statement is a document that outlines an individual's current finances, including their net worth, assets, liabilities, income and expenses. This information can be used to calculate how much debt the individual has taken on compared to their total assets and net worth. It also provides insight into the individual's ability to repay loans and take on additional debt if necessary.

Why Do You Need One?

Creating a personal financial statement is important because it gives you an accurate picture of where your business stands financially at any given time. With this knowledge, you can make better decisions regarding investments and other opportunities that come your way. It also provides potential lenders with an idea of your level of solvency so they know whether or not they should extend credit to you or not. Finally, having a personal financial statement helps you plan for the future by outlining what steps need to be taken in order to reach certain goals.

How Do You Create One? 

Creating a personal financial statement doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming; there are several easy-to-use templates available online that can help guide you through the process. Start by inputting all of the relevant information about your assets (such as property holdings and investments) and liabilities (such as debts). Be sure to include any income sources such as salaries or dividends from investments as well as any expenses such as taxes or loan repayments. Once all of the information is entered, simply subtract all liabilities from all assets and voila! You now have your net worth calculated on one sheet of paper! 

Having an up-to-date personal financial statement is essential for any business owner who wants to stay ahead of their finances. Taking the time now to create one will save you considerable headache down the line when it comes time to make decisions about investments or loans. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you'll be able to put together a comprehensive overview of your financial standing that will serve as an invaluable guide for making informed decisions about where best to allocate resources in order for maximum profitability!