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Juggling with multiple projects, channels, and clients for social media? It can be really chaotic, but we completely understand your concerns. But there's no need to worry because social media content pillars have your back. It is a secret sauce that can organize your social media. Well, we understand that you need to be made aware of this, which is why we are here to help you out. We are going to help you understand how you can create content pillars for social media.

What are social media pillars? 

It consists of key themes that a brand wants to focus on and communicate to the audience through its social media channels. These themes are regarded as the foundation of your social media strategy, which ensures consistency and coherence in your messaging. 

There are four themes which fall under the category: 

  • Educational content 
  • Promotional content 
  • Entertaining content 
  • Inspirational content

Social media content pillars play a vital role as they provide a strategic framework for social media marketing efforts. When you establish clear content pillars, you can ensure that your social media content is consistent, focused, and aligned with your business goals.

How do you create a content pillar? 

Identify your target audience and platform

Before you start creating your content, you must identify your target audience because that's where you are going to get engagement and reach. You must understand their interests, pain points, and needs. That's how you will be able to create content that drives more traffic and engagement. Once you have identified your target audience, choose a platform that is most suitable for your content. Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. Understand the same and start working.

Analyse topic and keywords 

Now, you need to analyze an ideal topic and keyword. For this, you can use tools like Ahrefs, Moz, and Google Keyword Planner. You will be able to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that you can target on your social media. 

Finding the right keyword is a task, and we are aware of it. It is vital to consider content quality, length, and appropriate keywords. 

Create content of high quality

Another point for creating a content pillar for social media is creating high-quality content. Once you have completed the above-mentioned pointers, it's time to start working on your content. You need to ensure that it is of high quality, informative, entertaining, and shareable. You can use storytelling techniques to make it more relatable and memorable. 

Publish and distribute your content on different platforms

Creating your content is only half the battle. You must publish it and maximize your reach and engagement. Once it's done, start promoting it through different social media channels, email newsletters, and influencer marketing. 

Apart from this, you must consider different platforms for sharing your content because different platforms have different requirements and limitations, so you must adapt and repurpose your content accordingly. 

Measure and analyze the performance

It is vital to track the performance of the social media content pillar in order to optimize the results. Multiple tools, like Google Analytics, can help you track your audience growth, engagement, and traffic. Consider these tools and start measuring your growth for better results. 

Final Words! 

That’s all in this article. Now, it’s your time to understand the content pillars for social media properly so that you can create the pillars for your social media channels. We have provided you with complete information in this guide, so get started and elevate your social media game without any worries.