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What is love? A feeling of unconditional love that's not based on a need or external factors? It can't be selfish, but it can be authentic. It's a state of freedom and openness. You might be feeling attracted to someone because they share certain characteristics or behaviors that you might not feel in yourself. But such a connection is not always love. A feeling that is based on an internal need is not necessarily love.

A person's love for another isn't defined by scientific rules. While a person may be able to feel affection for a stranger, it isn't easy to know what kind of love is. There are two main types of love. Erotic and platonic. Although both types of love are emotional attachments, platonic relationships are purely platonic and are sex-free. The philosophy behind both of these types of relationships is that each type has its own interpretation of what makes a person and a relationship work.

Another reason for love affairs to end is based on fatal attraction. This is when a person's attractive quality ends up sinking a relationship. For example, someone might impress you with his or her witty sense of humor, but later perceive you as flaky. Attractive qualities, such as sex, and charm, are not purely beneficial to a relationship. They can be both dangerous and enticing.

A relationship is not simply about having a good time. It is about caring deeply for another person. True love challenges you to be better. If a person shares your values, he or she is inherently good for you. And if you're not happy with your current situation, you should consider the possibility of losing them. So, while love isn't an easy thing to define, it is worth striving for. But before falling in deep love with someone, remember to compare the two different types of relationships you have. Much more information is available on the website at loveducklove.com.

Friendship-based love is a relationship that emphasizes shared companionship. It may be the first of many important relationships in a person's life. Depending on how close you are, a friend can make your life more fulfilling in so many ways. A friendship isn't just about romance, though. It can be about the same things: sharing the same interests and goals. If you're looking for a friend, this is a good opportunity to start building a relationship.