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COVID-19 didn’t only disrupt our personal lives and relationships, but it completely flipped our working habits, with many employees being relegated to a home office. 

But even though working from home can be as easy as lounging on your sofa in sweatpants, such a situation doesn’t always lend itself well to health, comfort, and productivity. So what do you do?

To effectively manage your tasks, you should try creating a workstation that encourages serenity and motivation, and here’s how you do that:    

Light It Up!

Your home office’s location requires a great deal of forethought. Namely, by setting your desk up in a dark, dingy corner of the room, you’ll likely find yourself struggling to remain stimulated and keep up with your workload.

So, let some natural light in your office and quickly witness the boost of serotonin, focus, and energy. In fact, studies have found that workers experience from 3% to 40% improvements in productivity in 40% of workplaces with natural light. Plus, with the sun peeking through your windows, you’ll maintain your levels of vitamin D and benefit from good sleep and an even better mood.    

Mind the Color Palette

Have you ever noticed how your mood changes depending on the colors of the room you’re staying in? 

No, it’s not all in your head because colors have been proven to bear a great psychological impact. As a result, you might be calmer when surrounded by blue or happier when encircled by orange or yellow. So, when setting up your home office, choose your color palette wisely, as it can mean the difference between doing dynamic work and falling asleep at your desk.

Generally, you should aim for light, airy colors or earthy and natural tones for the most benefits.   

Be Picky with Your Furniture

Since you’ll be spending a significant part of your day in your home office, you must make sure your furniture isn’t beating you down. 

Even if you can’t splurge on luxury items, it’s preferable to invest in comfortable and ergonomic furniture that supports your back, muscle health, and overall well-being. In turn, you’ll be more focused and motivated to do your work. 

If you want to abide by ergonomic rules and minimize the potential damages of sitting for long hours, set up your workspace in a way that enables your back and neck to be straight and your arms parallel to the floor. Check out this ergonomic workspace planner for more details.  

Tailor It to Your Needs

No two home offices will look identical, and that’s the way it should be because no two people are the same either.

Before you start planning and laying out your workspace, set clear expectations and understand what you need. By doing so, you’ll expedite the process and make everything much easier. Think of things like:

  • Do you need a second monitor?
  • Which personal items do you want on your desk?
  • How much storage do you need? 

And remember that there’s no right answer. Your home office should suit you and your needs only. Of course, you can look for inspiration, but don’t base the whole design on someone else’s space. 

Eliminate Distractions

Unfortunately, working remotely is not all peaches and cream. Often, you’ll be plagued by numerous distractions that will yank you out of your zone.

Although there are distractions at a regular company office, they’re usually nothing compared to what you can experience at home, especially if you have small children or unruly pets demanding your attention at odd hours of the day.

To alleviate these troubles, eliminate distractions wherever possible, like turning off the TV, putting your phone on silent, or locking the door to your office. Have a set routine in place and take regular breaks to take care of domestic errands.  

Add Greenery

To amp up your home office’s decor, add a splash of green!

If you don’t have a green thumb, you can even opt for artificial foliage to spruce up the place and provide the same benefits with little to no maintenance. And if you’re feeling adventurous and you’re ready to live out your green garden dream, you can even pick out a premium artificial green wall

Not only is luscious greenery a wonderful spot to rest your eyes upon, but it will also significantly break up the space and eliminate dullness and monotony. 

Finishing Thoughts 

If you’ve settled on working out of a home office, make a day out of decorating the area to suit your needs and the nature of your work. 

And remember, your home workspace should inspire you and evoke positive feelings, so don’t trap yourself in a lifeless room. 


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