1. Blockchain

How to Develop Smart Contracts on Ethereum in 2022?

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With a plethora of Blockchain platforms available in the market, developers may find it challenging to choose one for smart contract development. To help entrepreneurs make a wise decision, we’ve conducted thorough research and came across one of the most popular Blockchain platforms named “Ethereum.”  

Whether it’s about creating cryptocurrencies or virtual organizations, Ethereum allows developers to write smart contracts for various kinds of projects. This blog will give you an overview of the process of smart contract development on Ethereum.  But before delving deeper into the smart contract development process, it’s necessary to understand how Ethereum executes smart contracts.    

How does Ethereum execute Smart Contracts?  

Smart contracts are developed on Ethereum using Solidity: a smart contract programming language whose syntax is greatly influenced by programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and C++.  

Ethereum uses a virtual machine called EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that handles smart contracts deployment and execution. EVM serves as a runtime environment for smart contracts developed on Ethereum.   

Every transaction that happens on Ethereum requires some amount of gas: a measurement unit used to assign gas fees to each transaction. The gas cost for every new operation depends on its size and complexity.  

Steps to Deploy Smart Contracts on Ethereum  

Step 1: Wallet creation at Meta-mask  

Add Meta Mask extension to your chrome browser. Meta Mask allows users to interact with smart contracts and decentralized applications on the internet without installing any software.  

Click on the Meta Mask extension and open it in the new tab. Click on “create wallet” by creating the password and agree to the terms and conditions by clicking “I agree”.  

Step 2: Select a test network  

Robsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, and Goerli are some test networks available in the MetaMask wallet. Select any one as per your requirements.  

Step 3: Add some dummy Ethers to the wallet

You must have some dummy Ethers in your wallet to test the smart contracts. After adding some dummy Ethers, you are open to write smart contracts in the Solidity programming language.  

Step 4: Use Remix browser IDE to write smart contracts  

You can use Remix browser IDE to write smart contracts in Solidity. Remix IDE comes with numerous features to provide a comprehensive development experience to users.  

Step 5: Deploy and test your smart contracts  

Once you’re done with writing smart contracts, deploy them at the Ethereum test network by pressing the deploy button from Remix IDE.  


Though we’ve briefly shared some steps involved in the smart contract development process in this blog post, entrepreneurs may find it difficult to develop smart contracts from scratch. In such a case, consultation could be sought from an experienced smart contract development company named Antier Solutions.  

Antier Solutions is equipped with Blockchain developers, business analysts, and project managers who possess deep domain expertise to devise a comprehensive and mission-driven approach to create a smart contract on Ethereum. From choosing a consensus mechanism to the right Blockchain platform that aligns with your business objectives, they ensure efficient management at every step of the smart contract development process.       


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