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Starting a career in Data Science can be quite interesting and competitive given the rapid demands for Data Science professionals in the market. however, once you learn the skills and expand your knowledge in the core and advanced concepts, you will be able to become an expert in the industry.

With opting for courses like Data Science Job Guarantee Program offered by Pickl.AI, you can certainly become a Data Science industry expert. But how to develop your career in Data Science with Pickl.AI? Let’s find out!

What is Data Science?

Data Science is an intersection of disciplines which utilises various techniques, tools, and algorithms for extracting important knowledge and understanding from both structured and unstructured information. It involves procedures such as data collection, maintenance, analysis, interpretation, and visual representation that identify trends, relationships, and patterns which can drive well-informed choices and provide valuable information for organisations, businesses, and research.

Data Science Career Paths

There are several career paths within the field of data science. Here are a few common ones:

  •     Data Scientist:
    Data scientists are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting complex data sets to extract insights and make data-driven decisions. They utilize statistical and machine learning techniques to develop predictive models and algorithms.
    ·       Data Analyst:
    Data analysts focus on organizing and interpreting data to identify trends, patterns, and correlations. They work with large datasets, perform data cleaning and validation, and generate reports and visualizations to communicate findings to stakeholders.
    ·       Machine Learning Engineer:
    Machine learning engineers build and deploy machine learning models and systems. They work on designing, training, and optimizing models, as well as integrating them into production environments.
    ·       Data Engineer:
    Data engineers are involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of data infrastructure. They develop and manage data pipelines, databases, and ETL (extract, transform, load) processes to ensure data is accessible, reliable, and secure.
    ·       Business Intelligence (BI) Developer:
    BI developers design and build systems that enable organizations to analyze and visualize data. They create dashboards, reports, and interactive tools that allow stakeholders to explore data and gain insights for decision-making.
    ·       Data Architect:
    Data architects design the overall structure and organization of data systems. They ensure that data is stored, integrated, and accessed efficiently, and they collaborate with stakeholders to define data requirements and develop data models.
    ·       Data Science Manager:
    Data science managers lead teams of data scientists and oversee data science projects. They play a crucial role in setting project goals, managing resources, and aligning data science initiatives with business objectives.

It's important to note that these career paths often overlap, and the specific roles and responsibilities can vary across industries and organizations. Additionally, gaining relevant skills and experience through education, internships, and personal projects can greatly contribute to career advancement in the field of data science.

Data Scientist Skill Set Required

To be a successful data scientist, it's necessary to have a varying skill set that combines knowledge of technology with analytical and problem-solving abilities talents. Here are some fundamental skills for a data scientist:

Programming Skills: Data scientists need to be proficient in computer programming languages such as Python, R, or SQL. The aforementioned languages are frequently used for data manipulation, analysis, and the development of machine learning systems.

Statistics and Mathematics: A fundamental knowledge of statistical ideas and mathematical procedures is required for data analysis, gathering relevant insights, and developing reliable models. Probability, testing of hypotheses, regression, and optimisation are all commonly used terms in data science.

Machine Learning: Data scientists need to be well-versed in a variety of algorithms for machine learning and methodologies. This comprises supervised machine learning (classification, regression), unsupervised machine learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction), and modelling performance evaluation strategies.

Data Visualisation: It is essential to be able to efficiently convey insights through data visualisation. Skills for producing informative and visually appealing graphical representations and infographics using libraries such as Matplotlib, ggplot, or Tableau are essential for communicating findings to stakeholders who are not engineers.

Manipulation and Cleaning of Data: Data scientists have a tendency to work with untidy, incomplete, or unreliable information. Data cleaning and manipulating methods employing libraries such as Pandas or dplyr are useful to preprocess and transform the information into a usable state.

Big Data Technologies: Experience with big data frameworks such as Spark, Hadoop, and Spark, or networked computing platforms can be useful for efficiently managing large amounts of data. Processing and analysing information can be aided by knowledge of programmes such as Apache Hive or Apache Pig.

How to start career in Data Science as a Fresher?

Starting a career in Data Science for freshers can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  •       Gain a Strong Foundation in Mathematics and Statistics:
    Data Science heavily relies on mathematical and statistical concepts. Strengthen your knowledge of topics like linear algebra, calculus, probability, and statistics. Online courses, textbooks, or university courses can help you acquire the necessary foundation.
    ·       Learn Programming Languages:
    Proficiency in programming is essential in Data Science. Start by learning languages commonly used in the field such as Python or R. These languages have extensive libraries and frameworks specifically designed for data analysis and machine learning.
    ·      Acquire Knowledge of Data Science Concepts and Techniques:
    Familiarize yourself with key Data Science concepts, techniques, and algorithms. Topics to focus on include machine learning, data preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, regression, classification, clustering, and evaluation metrics. Online courses, tutorials, and textbooks can provide structured learning resources.
    ·       Complete Data Science Projects:
    Practice is crucial in Data Science. Undertake hands-on projects to apply the concepts and techniques you have learned. Work with real-world datasets, analyze data, build models, and derive insights. Kaggle competitions, online datasets, or personal projects can serve as valuable experiences to showcase in your portfolio. With Pickl.AI’s Data Science Course, you get to work on different projects involving problems from real-world helping you enhance your skills effectively.
    ·       Enroll in Data Science Bootcamps or Online Courses:
    Consider enrolling in bootcamps or online courses specifically designed for Data Science. These programs often offer comprehensive curricula, hands-on projects, and mentorship, providing structured learning and networking opportunities. You can enrol in a Data Science Bootcamp Job Guarantee program from online platforms like Pickl.AI’s Data Science job Guarantee Program. It will help you develop your skills, knowledge and hands-on experiences making you job ready and assure you with 100% placement.
    ·       Build a Data Science Portfolio:
    Assemble a portfolio that showcases your Data Science skills and projects. Include diverse projects that demonstrate your ability to handle different datasets, apply various techniques, and derive meaningful insights. Make sure to document your methodology, provide clear explanations, and present your work visually.
    ·       Participate in Kaggle Competitions or Open-Source Projects:
    Engage in Kaggle competitions or contribute to open-source Data Science projects. This allows you to work on real-world problems, collaborate with other Data Scientists, and gain exposure to different approaches and techniques.
    ·       Network and Seek Internship Opportunities:
    Attend Data Science meetups, conferences, and webinars to network with professionals in the field. Utilize online platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub to connect with Data Science communities. Furthermore, Seek internship opportunities to gain practical experience and industry exposure.
    ·       Stay Updated and Continuously Learn:
    Data Science is a rapidly evolving field, so it's crucial to stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and tools. Follow blogs, read research papers, and explore online resources to keep expanding your knowledge.
    ·       Apply for Entry-Level Data Science Positions:
    Once you have developed a strong foundation and built a portfolio, start applying for entry-level Data Science positions. Look for job openings, internships, or trainee programs that provide opportunities for learning and growth.


In conclusion, Data Science being a booming career prospect in the industry. It offers freshers and experienced individuals the opportunity to grow in the data-driven world. Moreover, you have numerous opportunities in Data Science where you can choose from various roles and excel in them. Data Science Job Guarantee Program by Pickl.AI is the best way for any fresher to start their career and embark on a journey of success.


  1.     Which degree is best for Data Scientist?
    One of the best degrees for Data Scientists is BSc in Computer Science which is a natural fit for any Data Science aspirant emphasising on programming languages. However, one can even opt for online certification courses which can help you develop expert level skills.
    2.     How do I Upskill myself in Data Science?
    If you’re a Data Science aspirant and want to upskill yourself, you need to enrol in your choice of online courses. Pickl.AI stands as one of the best online platforms that offers you a variety of Data Science courses. These will help you develop your skills and knowledge in the field.
    3.     Can I learn Data Science in 3 months?
    Yes, you can learn Data Science in Three Months through Pickl.AI’s Advanced Data Science Course with Capstone Project. Furthermore, the course will help you learn programming languages, machine learning and statistics along with mentorship sessions and working on a capstone project.
    4.     Is Pickl.AI Certification Worth it?
    A certification on Data Science by Pickl.AI will help you stand out in the market. Through the certification course of Data Science Job Guarantee, you’ll find yourself working in the best companies. The certification course allows you to have hands-on experiences based on live case studies and working on real-life projects.