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Microsoft is a software company based out of the United States of America. It provides various services such as communication, operating systems, games services, entertainment services, etc. To fully use these services, one has to create an account with Microsoft to get a customized experience of all of these services and save all the records created with these accounts.

Recommended ways to Microsoft account recovery issue 

Sometimes a user might forget his/her password and may not be able to access all of these services with ease that might happen due to violation of policy, unauthenticated access from a different location and looking for Microsoft account recovery so follow here

  • Open your favorite browser and go to the Microsoft login page, i.e., https://login.live.com/login.srf. The link might change with time.
  • Click on “forgot password?” right under the password field.
  • It will redirect to the identity verification page. It will show you the secondary account that you provided to Microsoft while accounting creation.
  • You can either select the email option or the phone number option. Select any of the votes, and it will send a verification code on that account. Make sure you have access to the same.
  • Verification code may take some time to received you as it depends on the network and the environment where you are in.
  • Provide the verification code on the next screen and hit next.
  • Microsoft will verify the code and redirect you to the password reset page.
  • Set the new password and make a note of it, as it is required to login back again.
  • It will redirect you to the login page again—login with your new password to access all the services efficiently.

Microsoft account recovery via security questions-

  • A user must visit the login page of your Microsoft account. Enter the Microsoft email address you want to recover.
  • Click on Forgot Password and you will be given the options to reset your password using different means. Select the option of “Security Questions”.
  • whatever question you get answer all the questions correctly
  • Now once all answer has been done you will be able to to reset your password.
  • Enter a new and strong password and login again using your new password and you have fixed the issue

Microsoft account recovery form:-

  • You can recover your Microsoft account by filling an account recovery form. To fill the form, follow the below-mentioned steps.
  • Before filling the form, you need to have a secondary email in your account, because Microsoft will send you details about your account recovery request.
  • Get the phone which you used to sign in to your Microsoft account to fill the form, which access your location.
  • Now, search “Microsoft account recovery form” on your web browser and you will reach the form page, scroll down to find the blue box with “Account recovery form” written. 
  • Click on that box and you will find the form, fill that form and follow further instructions to finish the process.

These are all the required steps for recover Microsoft account. Feel free to connect with the support team in case of inconvenience. So above mentioned steps will help you to fix Microsoft account password recovery, or contact customer service team for any issue and queries in case of any difficulty.


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